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Pray through Miseries : Agony, Crisis, Depression, Distress, Gloom, Melancholy, Sorrow, Desolation, Despair |
Learn to Pray for your Peace out of any Misery Child of God!!
I know you or your friend or someone next to you is going through a certain misery and they, just as yourself are wondering how to pray about it. You are tired of the misery you are facing in your marriage, in your job, in your finances, in the way people treat you, in your well being, everything in your life seems a mess and you want out. How do we pray to get out of any misery? Let us pray our lives to get over and done away with any kind of misery. Be it a misery job related, be it a misery health related, be it a misery family related, be it a misery marital related, in all the spheres of life whether financial, economical, social, or political, we are always faced with miseries and we must develop the right attitude of prayer to be out of any of these miseries presented to us in all the given diverse levels of doses. The devil has attacked you and me through miseries. But what are these miseries?
Let us first understand Misery:
Misery is depression, it is desolation, it is gloom, it is melancholy, it is despair, it is all sorrow, it is distress and it is agony, it is a crisis.
These are Miseries (Depressions -dejections,
unhappiness, sadness, downheartedness, hopelessnes; Desolations -anguishes,
despondencies, wretchedness; Glooms –pessimisms; Melancholies –the blues, Despairs; Sorrows –regrets, troubles, burdens, disappointments, worries, torments, grief; Distresses –sufferings,
pains, aches, pangs; Agonies –tortures, woes; Crisis -disaster, catastrophe, emergency, calamity, predicament, crunch, no access, shutdown, suspension, curfew, prohibition, disaster, tragedy, ruin, misadventure, mischance, cataclysm, adversity).
So child of God, what should you do when you are faced with a misery? I now tell you, start with prayer. Do not use prayer as a last resort. Do not use prayer after you have done everything else. See child of God, even though there are a variety of actions you should take when ministering to people faced with a misery, always pray first. But how should you pray?
Refuse to pray badly while faced by a misery:
I have observed many people praying badly because they are faced with a disaster or pandemic, or things have not gone like they expected. To some, you have prayed badly by praying negative prayers, to others you have stopped tithing, stopped thanksgiving and even for others you have prioritized your families to God. Many of you when not faced with any sorrows or troubles, you vow to be with God no matter what. Now given that you are faced with a pandemic, you have panicked and forgotten about God. To some you are even asking, "How can we pay tithe yet we are not working?" Child of God Tithe is not just about money. You can tithe whatever God has blessed you with. Let us stop pretending with the Lord and be for God is good and bad times. This was the same thing in the days of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Matthew 8:18-22 GNTA, "When Jesus noticed the crowd around him, he ordered his disciples to go to the other side of the lake. A teacher of the Law came to him.
"Teacher," he said, "I am ready to go with you wherever you go." Jesus answered him, "Foxes have holes,
and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lie down and
rest." Another man, who was a disciple, said, "Sir, first let me go back and bury my father." "Follow me," Jesus answered, "and let the dead bury their own dead." See child of God, you have to understand that for you to be in right standing with God, you have to show it best in times of limitations. Once you sideline the works of God because you are prioritizing your troubles first, then I assure you, for all your life you will forever be solving troubles with your resources. In Matthew 19:21 GNTA, Jesus tells you that, "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven." Jesus assures you that it is only after giving your money to those in need that you can be accepted to follow him. Jesus says, "then come and follow me." By giving money to the poor you are giving money to those in need, by giving money to those in need you are giving money to God and you are blessed in return. I sympathize with you who thinks by holding back to the works of God in the times of misery you save face. I assure you, by your actions of ignoring the obligations of the works of God, you choose death and not life.
What I am saying is that when you hold on to your money or resources by not tithing, giving thanks, or extending an act of sharing it in charity as an expression of God's love, you loose your money as it will wear out as opposed to saving it simply because God will not be part of it. In Luke 12:33 GNTA Jesus advises you to, "Provide for yourselves purses that don't wear out, and save your
riches in heaven, where they will never decrease, because no thief can
get to them, and no moth can destroy them." A child of God who has continued to do your obligations of the works of God in this time of misery will not run out of supplies as the Lord has already blessed you for trusting in Him and allowing yourself to continue tithing, and giving to the kingdom of God and his people in need as you continue to believe in Him for more supplies.
If you know by the time you got into a misery or disaster or sort of trouble and all you did was postpone your tithe, or obligation to God, you sinned, you rebelled against God and not the pastor, not the Apostle, you went against God himself. Like Daniel in Daniel 9:5 GW, "We have sinned, done wrong, acted
wickedly, rebelled, and turned away from' God's 'commandments and laws. We haven't listened to' God's 'servants the
prophets, who spoke in' God's 'name to our kings, leaders, ancestors, and
all the common people." So stop making a fool out of yourself and make amends with God right now. So now how do you pray now that you know you have all this while acted against the will of God. Let us pick a leaf of prayer from how Daniel prayed over the desolations he faced on realizing, all the while God spoke to them through the prophets and the Kings, leaders, and people of the nation had all disregarded God's will.
Daniel, like other men of God demonstrates to you how to pray. Just like some of you may be, Daniel and his friends were exiled into captivity in Babylon. Daniel had learned through the Scriptures that God had told prophet Jeremiah that Jerusalem would remain in ruins for 70 years, so Daniel turned to God and looked up to God for Help (Daniel 9:2-3 GW). You too, In order to come out of the misery you are facing, you and me have to turn to God and look up to Him for Help. So how do we get help from God to get over and done away with any misery (be it depression, desolation, gloom, melancholy, despair, sorrow, distress, agony, or crisis)?
Praying Right to get over and done away with any Misery
(depression, desolation, gloom, melancholy, despair, sorrow, distress, agony, crisis):
What did Daniel do for God to intervene? Daniel prayed, pleaded, fasted, confessed. So you and me must first pray and do all God's obligations before we are to do anything else if you are to come out of your marriage misery, if you are to come out of your financial woes, if you are to come out of your spiritual control, if you are to break loose from witchcraft, if you are to break loose from evil and all sorts of misery.
Given how Daniel prayed, this is how you and me are supposed to pray to get over and done away with all miseries:
Listen to God,
Physically first focus your attention on God not your Family,
Express your desires with emotions or remorse,
Demonstrate Seriousness,
Thank God for His love and Promises,
Humbly Confess your sins.
Child of God, how do you listen to God? To Listen to God, You have to study God's word. That is what Daniel did. In Daniel 9:2 GW, "Daniel, learned from the Scriptures the number of years that Jerusalem would remain in ruins." Daniel read about God's promises to Jeremiah to rescue the Israelites. You too must read the Bible in relation to your woes, your sorrows, your troubles. God has a response to all your worries. As a believer, whenever you find yourself faced with a worry, it is important for you to know that God has given the you the church a mission intended to help you focus on God's promises. When you read the Bible, there are thousands of promises and all the promises in the Bible provide for you and me a foundation for praying to get over and done away with all the miseries we are faced with.
2. Physically first focus your attention on God not your Family and Friends
Daniel physically focused his attention on God. After Daniel realizing that God was the answer, He went to God for help. In Daniel 9:3 GW Daniel says, "So I turned to the Lord God and looked to him for help." Daniel realized that the only way to survive the ruins was through submitting himself to God. You too can submit yourself to God in both good and bad times if you are to survive ruins.
Why the misery or sorrow you are facing is causing you so much pain is because you think of it in your mind. The pain is felt so much because you easily, reluctantly and always take your eyes off God in the middle of your misery or disaster, in the middle of a pandemic or disease, in the middle of your financial failures, in the middle of your family breakdown. At such a time of misery is when God puts you more to test to do His will, so that by you trusting Him, He blesses you with a pathway out of your misery. So instead of taking your eyes off God, in these difficult times is the time you desperately need to focus on God. Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:13-16 NLT tells us that in times of misery and trial, we stop living for ourselves but for Christ. He says, "If it seems that we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Whatever we do, it is because Christ's love controls us. Since we believe the Christ died for everyone, we also believe that we have all died to the old life we used to live. He died for everyone so that those who receive His new life will no longer live to please themselves. Instead, they will live to please Christ, who died and was raised for them. So we have stopped evaluating others by what the world thinks about them.."
In the difficult times is when God sees whether you love him more than your father, mother, child, sister, spouse, self. It is the time God puts you to test whether you can still give Him His tithe or thanksgiving or charity support to the needy when you are told that in two weeks you will need more money than you have. Most of you have failed his test. Now I tell you focus on God at this instance now that you know.
Look here, lets put it this way: When you turned towards your family and friends, didn't you focus your attention on your family and friends. Yes, you did! If that is the case with you now God wants you to relate with Him more than you would relate with your family and friends. This is the time God wants you to bow your heads - fold your hands - and do something physical, something that shows that your focus is on God. When Daniel looked to God for help, in Daniel 9:3 GW, Daniel, "prayed, pleaded, and fasted in sackcloth and ashes." When Jesus was faced with the cup of suffering, Jesus focused his attention on God, in Matthew 26:39- NLT, Jesus "fell face down on the ground, praying as He said ,'My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. yet I want your will, not mine." He later prayed again and said in Matthew 26:42 NLT "My Father! If this cup can not be taken away until I drink it, your will be done." Child of God, there are tests God will not take away unless you endure to walk through them with God Himself. So you who think you will rely on friends, family, your money to go through trials, I tell you to think again. Like Jesus who was assured by his disciples that they would never leave him, when in misery, if you refuse to focus your attention on God for your help, you will be deserted and neither your money, family, or friends will save you. So refuse to be destructed by your family, friends and quantities of your money when you want God to answer your prayers, focus - and focus with your whole self - and most of all focus physically on God with your mind and whole heart. Child of God, Just as Daniel does not direct us to focus on the desolateness, In Matthew 26:41 NLT Jesus advises you and me to, "Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak!"
I therefore tell you child of God, that in any misery that you are facing, focus on God. Do not focus on your circumstances - and do not focus on what God is doing in your life.
3. Express your desires with emotions or remorse
Daniel added remorse to his desire. Daniel never just made his request known to God. Daniel did more things beyond just presenting his request to God. Daniel 9:3 GW shows that besides Daniel praying, He also 'pleaded' with God. Child of God, do not just dump your prayer requests on God, take the extra mile and plead with God. Your passion expressed in how you plead with God and the intensity in which you do it with seriousness and devotion often reveals how much the prayer you presented matters to you. If it is your marriage, your financial distress, your health, whatever it may be, how you present it to God with a remorse attachment which does not reduce but rather increase to it shows God how serious you are. Show God that your prayer request is more than just an urge, show God you can not do without it and yet it does not divert you from him, show him it is surely a need and a very strong desire on your part that you need God to intervene, Show God that without His intervention, you can not meet your desire. Beg from God to give you what you need. Daniel was not just asking from God, Daniel was begging with prayer and he presented his demands to God. What you need to understand is that you must want to fully express yourself to God while in any misery. When you do not feel like praying, it is because you are not praying your feelings. So be encouraged to pray your with full emotion.
4. Demonstrate Seriousness
Show God you are serious about what you are asking of Him. Daniel expressed his seriousness about his desire by fasting in sackcloth and ashes (Daniel 9:3 GW). How have you made yourself familiar with this same spiritual discipline. Can you wear a condition to deprive yourself of comfort while praying to show God that you are tearing for his help. Who of you has tried this today? Probably there is hardly anyone doing it today. You have to do something in the face of God to show you are seriously out of your comfort zone. You must fast when you find that praying alone is not getting you to God's attention. Our Lord Jesus Christ said some miracles or healing can only happen through prayer and fasting, not by prayer alone (Matthew 17:20, Mark 9:29). Besides Daniel, in 2 Samuel 12:16 NIV, "David pleaded with God for the child. He fasted and spent the nights lying in sackcloth on the ground." For God's intervention, you must move out of your comfort zone, you must move out of your dis-respective zone and give your all to show God you really mean every word in your prayer. You have to show God that you are crying, your weeping, your mourning. Making fasting and praying your approach and relate to the pain, just as Psalms 69:10-11 ASV shows that when you weep you ought to chasten your soul with fasting as your reproach where you put on even uncomfortable clothing and you mean every word in your prayer request. However be careful not to fast as a show off. People around you need not to know that you are fasting, you do not need to advertise it. In this generation Matthew 6:17-18 NKJV advises that, "when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be
fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father
who sees in secret will reward you openly."
I tell you child of God, Start by fasting and then continue with praying unceasingly. Fasting shows how serious you are about your prayer request. The importance of fasting is seen across the Bible is various scriptures ( ). Start demonstrating your seriousness before God now.
If you just gave your life to Christ Jesus with this prayer call me on
+256750063451 I would love to pray with you and for you. God bless you.
I tell you child of God, Start by fasting and then continue with praying unceasingly. Fasting shows how serious you are about your prayer request. The importance of fasting is seen across the Bible is various scriptures ( ). Start demonstrating your seriousness before God now.
5. Thank God for His love and Promises
Daniel thanked God for the promises He expressed through prophet Jeremiah. We are reminded to always be thankful to God. Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV reminds us that when we are praying we ought to be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let our requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Daniel 9:4 GNTA shows that Daniel prayed to God and confessed not just his sins but the sins of his people. He said, "Lord God, you are great, and we honor you. You are faithful to your covenant and show constant love to those who love you and do what you command." Here Daniel was showing God that he recognized his mistakes in his people's mistakes and he was not just humbling himself even on behalf of his people, but again he was thankful to God for his kindness. Daniel told God he was grateful and he recognized God's faithfulness to his promises.
Child of God always be grateful for God. Honor him by recognizing His faithfulness and mercy. As you fight away the misery on you, you have to be able to express your gratitude to God. It is quite easy to forget this aspect of prayer, but I tell you it is a very important part given the fact that God himself calls you to be a grateful person. A similar thing we learn from the way Daniel honors God while seeking for God's help.
Child of God, I encourage you to always be thankful to God and to anyone. Thankfulness helps you see beyond your misery. Thankfulness will cause God's invisible hand to take you beyond your means. So start developing the discipline of being thankful to God and everyone now. See you can never know whether the person you refuse to thank is the one in whom God is sited, so be thankful always. In Daniel 9:4 GNTA Daniel confessed not just his sins but the sins of his people. When confessing look not just to what you did, look to what everyone around you has done including your dead grand parents and relatives and confess to their sins because their sins tag you along. Stop complaining and start confessing. The God we serve is merciful, God never responds to your confession of sin with punishment. Instead, God blesses you when you are honest about your sin, your people's sin and the world's sin. So confess for you, your nation and the world.
6. Humbly Confess your sins
Child of God empty the pride in you, refuse to believe that you are more important than others, stop boasting.
God does not want to hear your prideful complaints, instead God wants to listen to a humble confession. In Daniel 9:5-7 GNTA Daniel confessed and said, "We
have sinned, we have been evil, we have done wrong. We have rejected
what you commanded us to do and have turned away from what you showed us
was right. We have not listened to your servants
the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our rulers, our
ancestors, and our whole nation.
You, Lord, always do what is right, but
we have always brought disgrace on ourselves. This is true of all of us.." Confess on behalf of all people. Besides, do not just give a general confession. Be specific. Daniel did not just give a general confession, spell out everything you know and let the Lord sort what you do not know. Specifically mention what you and your people and the world you live in has done wrong. Daniel knew that God's help would only come because of his grace - not because the people deserve it.
Both the church and you yourself will always face all kinds of waves and miseries. While you go to the church house, other church members are meant to encourage you by praying with you and for you during your most needing time when you are faced with misery.
Let this be your reproach to helping yourself, your family and your fellow others to respond to get over and be done away with all miseries: your agony, your depression, your desolation, your despair, your distress, your distress, your melancholy and your sorrow.
Let us Pray for a Break through:
LORD my God, you set yourself against the proud and show favor to the humble. Today and now, I humble myself before You. I crucify myself on the body of Jesus Christ and by the blood He shed for my sins on the cross, I enter into the blood covenant. I now call on to your power, presence and protection upon me, I submit myself to my Lord Jesus Christ, I reject the devil and command him and his strongholds to get off of me - my family - my mind - my works - my wealth - my health - and my progress - and my future. I draw closer to you my God and I beg for your presence in every attachment to my life. I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me because in this world I have lived with sin, let you purify my heart for all the while I have been a hypocrite. With all the pain and tears caused on me by my miseries, I sincerely confess for all the wrong things I, my people and the people of this world have done. I am truly anguished, burdened, saddened and grieved for all the wrongs we have done. I too forgive everyone that I have all this while had a grudge on and ask you my God to forgive me as well. I bow down before you my Lord Jesus and give myself to you to control my mind, my heart, and soul. I believe you have freed me from all transgressions and have lifted me from every darkness and evil by your righteous hand. Today I break through and break away from all evil covenants, curses, controls, miseries, limitations and stagnation. All fetters, shackles, yokes, bands and bonds, evil eyes, thumbing noses, impure spirits, weeping spirits, monitoring spirits, clan spirits I am now free from you in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
For You who has never given your life to Christ
do not want to go through this disaster when you are not born again.
You are welcome to the life of salvation. Believe me you do not know
what the future holds for you in this disaster.
so pray and give YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST say:
Lord Christ Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for
dying on the cross for my sins. I submit my life to you. I confess my
sins and ask you to come into my life and save me. I want to know You. I
want to learn to trust You. I know I can not save myself. As of today
and now, I ask you into my mind - heart - and soul as I accept you as my
personal Lord and Savior. Please help me in Your name because I believe
I am now born again. Amen.
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work and support the work of God, every support you give is needed
- 2 Corinthians 5:13-16 Holy Bible, New Living Translation
- 2 Samuel 12:16 Holy Bible, New International Version
- Daniel 9:2-3 Holy Bible, God's Word Translation
- Daniel 9:4-7 Holy Bible, Good News Translation w/ Apocrypha
- Mark 9:29 Holy Bible, New International Version
- Matthew 6:17-18 Holy Bible, New King James Version
- Matthew 17:20 Holy Bible, New International Version
- Matthew 26:39, 41-42 Holy Bible, New Living Translation
- Philippians 4:6-7 Holy Bible, New King James Version
- Psalms 69:10-11 Holy Bible, American Standard Version
Email: christianhealingchurchministry@yahoo.com
Jesus tells you that, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (John 16:33 NKJV)." Believe in the Lord and in Christ Jesus you have your peace, Jesus has already overcome the world on your behalf. He just wants you to submit yourself to Him. Refuse to handle worries by yourself, let Jesus handle all your worries. God bless you. Be safe and stay blessed.
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