Most of these are revealed in the healing prayer process where the manifested spirits are asked their mission and who they are.
- ABOMINATION | ATROCITY | DISGRACE | OBSCENITY | OUTRAGE | CURSE | TORMENT | EVIL | CRIME | VIOLATION : You develop a feeling of hatred on people you need not hate or you love to tell lies, You are associated with the evil spirits of Leviathan (Marine spirits) or Strongman spirits or Jezebel, Signs: When possessed you manifest pride, stubbornness, double mindedness, acts of anti-Christ, feeling entitled or claiming rights, blaming God for bad things and or saying statements like i will never pray again because after praying something bad happened or things never went your way. Dreams: You tend to dream Crocodiles, Alligators, Walking in water and on waking up you find you have swollen feet. Symptoms of attack: Very stiff neck or shoulder or back pains or a tendency of paralysis or stiffness in a particular part of those mentioned. Jaws may move involuntarily or biting/grinding of the teeth while asleep (Okuluma amanyo in Luganda). Solution: Pray: Matthew 11:25-30, James 4:1-10, Genesis 43:32, Exodus 8:26, Leviticus 11:10-42, 18:22-29, Deuteronomy 18:12
- ANGER : You develop an outburst of anger that you yourself can not explain. You have in yourself rage, wrath and hatred, You always feel frustrated, You are always fearful. Signs: You tend to dream dears, kangaroos, kangaroos biting you. Solution: Pray: Genesis 27:45, Genesis 44:18, Genesis 49:7, Psalms 78:38, Psalms 85:4, Psalms 90:11, Psalms 103:8
- ANXIETY : It is when feelings of being anxious and stressed do not go away, can not be controlled easily, or happen for no particular reason. You develop an anxiety that is not explained even by yourself. You are uneasy for no reason. You experience panic attacks, You make unexplained wishes, You make vows and promises to people and even forget you did, You believe in human strength. Symptoms of attack: Unexplained fear, unexplained anger, dizziness, chest pressure, tingling burning, chronic fatigue, weak limbs, body pain, bloating, lightheadedness, falling sensation. Solution: Pray: James 4:7-8, Ephesians 6:10-16
- ARROGANCE | PRIDE AND STUBBORNNESS UNEXPLAINED : You are a victim of Abomination, Lucifer spirit, or Leviathan (Marine spirit). Signs of attack: You usually have dreams and visions of crocodiles, alligators or whales. You are double minded. You ignore anything to do with God, whenever someone talks about God, you feel they are disturbing you, and as such you blame God for the bad things happening to you. You feel entitled to only what you want. Neck, shoulder, upper back pain. Also a very stiff neck or involuntary movement of the jaws. Solution: Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
- BAD LUCK : Everything you do does not lead you to another level, you are a mark of bad luck in all you do. Signs of attack: Things never go the way you plan them, even where you are at a brink of success, you eventually fail. You live a life that is stagnated. Your children are following the same path, you have provided for your children to be better than you are only they are still following the same path you took of suffering even where you have tried to provide and they needed not to have suffered. When you get a job, you are never promoted, the newest recruits are always being promoted yet you the old guard has never been promoted and you have no hopes of being ever promoted or even recognized for your efforts, not just at work- everywhere you go.... you are always stranded ...not even your own friends are comfortable helping you. Solution: Pray: Romans 13:12, James 4:7-8
Life lived with no favor
- BUTTERFLY : This spirit comes to stop you from fighting the devil. Mission: To cover your prayers. To block your prayers. To weaken you spiritually so that you stop praying in truth. Sign of attack: When praying you yawn and sleep. When praying someone always sends you out of the prayer alter. When you are going to pray, suddenly you tend to develop weakness and you end up not praying. Solution: Call on to the power of the Holy Spirit to control and overshadow you before and after prayer so that the power of evil is not able to block you from praying. Call the power, presence and protection of our Lord Christ Jesus whenever you are praying. Pray with no doubt, fully trust in Christ Jesus, always pray in the truth. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- CAT : This spirit drags you to the world of the dead. Mission: To ensure the devil has a hold of you. It ensures you have a connection to the world of the dead. Sign of attack: Head aches. You dream cats and snakes.You dream talking to and working with the dead in your sleep. Solution: Reject the devil and accept Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Pray unceasingly at all times. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
Centipede Centipedes are not Millipedes Monster poisonous Centipede
- COCKROACH : This spirit is a Monitoring spirit. Mission: To slow you down as the devil's strongholds monitor you. Sign of Attack: Cockroaches always appear wherever you go, even where the place is clean they appear. You develop a paranoia of being followed. Solution: Reject the devil, reject Lucifer, Reject Jezebel and all the strongholds of evil and command them to stay away in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus. Allow to be controlled and overshadowed by the Spirit of Christ Jesus in all you do. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
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Cockroach |
- CROCODILE : This spirit is on illegitimacy, rebellion and stubbornness. Mission:To take and keep the whole of your lineage from serving God to serving the devil. Sign of attack: You always yearn to do evil. Every where you go you leave problems and troubles and regrets. You are always rebellious. You are always rejected. Solution: Reject to be with a heart full of stone and stubbornness, allow to be spiritually transformed by the Spirit of Christ Jesus and be full of tenderness and a responsive heart. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- CURSES | EVIL EYE | WITCHCRAFT : Someone has put a curse, a spell or done on you witchcraft or someone smiled with you and as soon as you turned your back on him or her- the person did an evil eye on you. Signs of attack: You experience funny weird emotions or discomforting feelings almost daily and you tend to have no reason for the cause. You dream death or dead people calling you, you dream of cows, you dream of goats, you dream f snakes, and you also dream of cats or one of them. You normally see dark figures and whenever you try to be very observant, the seen dark figures tend to disappear. You hear weird voices and when you concentrate on where the voices come from, they disappear. You feel terrified at night or whenever you try to sleep. You tend to repeatedly wake up in a terrifying way and at the same time almost every time it happens, you are terrified. You feel a weird pain- only this pain is never in one place, this pain has a tendency of moving from one place to another or even all over your body. When you touch it and say it is in say the womb, this pain starts to tend to shift to say the back or say the bum. Whenever you want to read the Bible or pray is when you feel weak physically, or is when you feel weak mentally to pray yet initially you felt like praying, or is when you create excuses or even you end up avoiding someone you never ever thought of avoiding- you avoid him or her because they are encouraging you to read the Bible and pray. You are known to be humble and peaceful, but sometimes you just suddenly get a hunch within you that convinces you that you can beat anyone - as such this hunch empowers you to become suicidal in thought, you even tell people of how you feel like killing yourself or dying or how you feel like dying or you become an example of someone that wants to harm him or herself, you eventually develop weird addictions. Illegitimacy curse that dates to the last 10 generations- You are a child born out of wedlock, a repeat of the past 10 generations. Solution: Pray: Genesis 12:3, 27:12, 27:29, Exodus 21:17, Numbers 23:7-8, Deuteronomy 23:5, 27:15-26, 1 Samuel 26:19, Job 2:9, 31:29-30, Psalms 37:22, 119:21, Proverbs 3:33, 20:20, Isaiah 65:20, Jeremiah 17:5, 48:10, Zechariah 5:3, Malachi 2:2, Mathew 5:44, 15:4, Mark 7:10, Luke 6:28, Romans 12:14, 1 Corinthians 12:3, Galatians 3:10, 3:13, Revelations 22:3
Deafness Grinding your teeth Muteness
- DOG : This spirit feeds you with promiscuous thoughts and behaviors. Mission: The devil intends that you must be promiscuous like the dogs. Sign of attack: You never settle for one spouse or dating partner. You always seem not to know what you want in a dating partner as you tend to always contradict yourself. You are never satisfied with one partner. You are always cheating on your partner. Solution: Reject promiscuity and allow to be controlled by our Lord Christ Jesus. Pray unceasingly. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- FEAR : You fear to be lonely, you fear not to be good enough, you fear to fail, you fear to leave the house or do something that wouldn't have necessitated anyone to fear, you fear to go to hell, you fear to die, you do not trust people, you fear demons or devils or wicked spirits. Signs: You dream spiders. Symptoms of attack: You tend to be passive, doubtful, pessimistic, hesitant, discouraged, deprived, bitter, disillusioned, worked, reserved, unhappy, powerless, afraid, tortured, you ignore the words of God or anything taught to you as read from the Bible, you are weak-willed, you are in-disciplined, you tend to have a dry mouth Cause of Evil attack: Rejection from anyone special to you, trauma in the sense that you survived or went through a scenario of death, abandonment when young. Solution: Pray: 2 Timothy 1:7, Isaiah 41:10, Luke 10:19
- FLIES : This spirit is a monitoring and preserving spirit. Mission: You are the evil spirits' Master's body so the fly must keep you safe. By Master, it means you have within you, more so your stomach, a wicked spiritual snake within you. Lucifer controls you. Sign of attack: Pains or rotations with pains in your stomach. Migraine headaches at the sides of your eyes, or flash headaches. Solution: Reject the devil, reject the snake and accept to be controlled by Christ Jesus. Give your life to Christ Jesus and be born again. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- GECKO : This spirit usually identifies with someone with a spiritual gift. Mission:To take all blessings so that you stop believing in the Lord or God. Sign of Attack: Misuse of spiritual gift. Instead of using your gift for God's work, you find yourself using the gift for evil deeds or the wrong purpose. The devil takes advantage of you with your gift and you end up doing the will of the devil as opposed to the will of God. Solution: Keep in the word of God. Pray unceasingly, and allow to be controlled by the Spirit of Christ Jesus. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- IMPURE SPIRIT | SEIZURES: This is a deaf and Mute spirit. Mission: Intended to kill you the victim, suffer terribly Signs and Symptoms: The person affected is shrieked and thrown into violent convulsions, thrown on the ground and rolled around, with foaming at the mouth on seeing the presence of the power of Jesus Christ. It can be part of you from childhood. It often throws you in fire, or water to kill you. The victim is likely to look so much like a corpse that the person seeing can pass him or her to be dead Solution: Healing is possible if one is humble and has faith and believes in God. If you do not believe allow Christ Jesus to overcome your unbelief. Say in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I rebuke you impure spirit - You deaf and mute spirit - I command you - come out of him/her and never enter him/her again. Take him by the hand, lift him to his feet and stand him up. NOTE: This kind can come out only by prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and fasting. You must have enough faith to rebuke. Pray: Mark 9:20-29, Matthew 17:14-20.
serpent and dragon of the sea
- LIZARD: This spirit usually identifies with someone with a spiritual gift. Mission:To take all blessings so that you stop believing in the Lord or God. Sign of Attack: Misuse of spiritual gift. Instead of using your gift for God's work, you find yourself using the gift for evil deeds or the wrong purpose. The devil takes advantage of you with your gift and you end up doing the will of the devil as opposed to the will of God. Solution: Keep in the word of God. Pray unceasingly, and allow to be controlled by the Spirit of Christ Jesus. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
- LONELINESS | SELF CENTERED | SELF WILLED | SELF FOCUSED | YOU LOVE BEING ALONE : You love to stare at yourself in the mirror for hours or long minutes or long periods, You rely solely on the wisdom and understanding you have attained from the classroom, You are an antichrist worshiper, You tend to find yourself in isolation and you have a tendency of shutting out the world, You are a victim of the strongman spirit - a victim of Lucifer, You believe in alters and proper worship places or well built places of worship for you to allow to worship from a place or for you to believe that God really exists in the place - you are controlled by the idolatrous spirit, You prefer personal desires to God's way - whenever you are called to God you tend to always have an excuse, You develop a false feeling that you are always being followed - you have a paranoia of being followed either by imaginary people or understood objects or creatures, You tend to see repeated numbers say (111, 666, 999...), You tend to have a feeling of being shocked by electricity - or getting paralyzed - Electric spirit manifests at its peak. Signs: You dream animals like dragons, lions or cats. Symptoms of attack: You tend to always have Sharp migraine headaches, unexplained pressure on the head, you are usually depressed, you develop involuntary slow head movements from side to side or back and forth, you tend to develop hot legs, you tend to realize that Electrical equipment start to malfunction. Solution: Pray: Galatians 6:4, Genesis 2:18, Luke 10:40, John 8:16, 29, John 16:32, Romans 4:23, James 2:17
- MILLIPEDE : This is a monitoring and progress retarding spirit. Mission: To slow you down. To slow down every works of your progress and development against the devil. Sign of attack: You always lag behind in development. You prefer to associate with people who prey on you and contribute to your regression. You hate and resist those who want you to develop. Solution: Pray unceasingly. Call on the speed of Christ Jesus. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
- MIND CONTROL : You have lived in a life dominated by your parents, partners, family, spouse, and friends, You have lived a life of letting people control you, You follow psychic media like horoscopes, You experience arrested development- much as you are an adult or you behave childishly or you do not behave within your age, You fear what other people think of you, Spirit of Islam or Catholicism or religion also controls the minds especially in marriage. Signs and Symptoms: You seem to have your head going round or spinning, You seem confused all the time, you develop a paranoia of imaginary people following you. Solution: Pray: Habakkuk 1:11, Romans 12:2, Colossians 1:21, Philippians 3:19, Ezekiel 23:17, Romans 7:25, Romans 12:16, 1 Corinthians 2:16, Philippians 2:5, 1 Peter 3:8
- MONKEY : This is a spirit that identifies rebellion, protest and retardation of sexual morals. Mission: It is Belial's pet. Belial is the wicked spirit that is also responsible for lesbianism. Sign of attack: You hardly believe in the opposite sex. You appear easier to deal with by the same sex as opposed to the opposite sex. Solution: Refuse to be controlled by the power of sin and allow to be controlled by the power of our Lord Christ Jesus. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- RATS : This spirit is of troubles and problems. Mission: To alter and take all your blessings. To feed you with problems, troubles and suffering. Sign of attack: The rats seem to be visitors or children or natives of your house. Whenever you try to poison them, they seem to understand that it is poison and they never eat it. When you wait to kill them they appear and disappear without you even understanding there where about. They never fear being among-st you. Everything you do seems to fail. Solution: Unceasing prayer. Undress darkness and every problems off your life by the blood of Christ Jesus, and put on the armor of God of light and right living. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- SNAIL : This is a monitoring and progress controlling spirit. Mission: To slow you down. To delay you in everything you plan that is of development. Sign of attack: You never develop. Whatever item of development you buy gets destroyed or stolen. You work harder than your peers yet you are paid worse than them or you are never recognized for a job promotion. Solution: Refuse to be the tail, refuse to fail or lag behind in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus. Through the name of our Lord Christ Jesus speak and believe that you move in excellence, speed and ahead of all waves of your life. Pray unceasingly to break the evil yokes of bondage off your life in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
- SPIDER : This spirit usually appears when are troubled and filled with certain fears. Mission: To steal from you your blessings. To show you that you live in fear. Sign of attack: You live with hidden fear. You easily get scared yet you can not understand why you get scared. You tend to fear what has not to be feared. Solution: Refuse to fear the devil and accept to fear God. Pray unceasingly. Refuse to be controlled by the power of sin and allow yourself to b controlled by our Lord Christ Jesus. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12

- TATTOOS | LOVE FOR POWER | UNEXPLAINED CONSTANT BELCHING : You see bluish orbits or balls when your eyes are closed, You develop a distorted face in the presence of prayer, You relate to the tattoos, You love to seek spiritual powers or be spoken to through mediums or you love horoscopes to speak to you and you believe in them, You love to curse or bewitch people, You use spells to get things (love spells to get love.... lesbians or homosexuals to hook others to the same or to get love from those far away from the evil), You follow horoscopes, You participate in rituals (clan and other traditional rituals), You read a lot of occult or magical or supernatural materials, You are a victim of the Lord of Flies. Symptoms of attack: Flies and insects are always in a way present wherever you go. Or attack the people you intend to strike. Solution: Pray: 1 Corinthians 2:5, Psalms 22:20, Psalms 62:11, 2 Samuel 22:33, John 1:12
- THEFT | EMBEZZLEMENT | ROBBERY | PETTY AND GRAND THEFT | FRAUD : Something or a voice tends to command you (an evil spirit) to go and do a robbery against your desire and even when you try to hesitate you find yourself doing what you do not want to do. This is also due to the mind control spirit that forces you to do what you hate to do. Signs and Symptoms: You develop headaches sometimes, This demon sits in the head and the feet and forces you to go and rob or steal whatever. Solutions: Pray: Exodus 22:4, Revelation 9:20-21, Mathew 15:19, mark 7:21-22
- TRAUMA | PROLONGED MIGRAINE HEADACHE | STRESS : I feel mentally heavy and constantly the stress does not go for months or years, it keeps coming. Signs of attack: You love to focus more on your beauty, your popularity, or on concerts. This also happens after you have had an accident, or ever since you got physically or verbally or sexually abused. You have physical or emotional pain that you can no longer cope with or handle at the moment, not even Doctors can explain. I am described to have Bipolar, to be Manic-depressive, to be Dissociated with identity disorder (DID), to have Alternate Personalities, to have a Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), to have a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). You fall sick and you develop a very painful Migraine headache, the headache is so unbearable that you feel it in your eyes, it is so bad that you want your head off, it is so bad that your veins next to the eyes are protruding. Solution: Pray: Genesis 42:21, Judges 2:15, 2 Samuel 22:7, Psalms 4:1, 18:6, 25:17, 107:6-28, 118:5, 120:1
- TWIX : This spirit claims to be the new world order. Mission: To use music to attack you through music and this in a way it says it used music to bring about the new world order. Sign of attack: You just get addicted to particular types of music. It has attacked the church in praise music. Solution: Be keen on the praise music lyrics, avoid world music or pray wherever you are in people who love world music. Pray: James 4:7-8, Romans 13:12
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Rock, Hip hop, Praise disguised as of God, Cultural |
- WORK | CONTACT SICKNESS | SICK ON CHANGE OF LOCATION | SICK WITH NO MEDICAL EXPLANATION : You are spiritually imprisoned and whenever you try to go beyond the gazetted area you fall sick. Sign of attack: When you are home you are well, but on getting to work you immediately fall sick. Whenever you meet a certain person you get an attack. Whenever you leave your place to a particular place or distance, you fall sick, but when you return to where you were before leaving, you immediately start getting better and fine. Solution: Pray: Exodus 23:25, Deuteronomy 7:15, Mathew 8:16-17, 9:35, 10:1, John 11:4
- YOGA | MEDITATION | DISGUISED WORSHIP | ALTERNATIVE HEALING PRACTICES : You take herbal medication and on taking it you feel you can not do without it. You allow unknown persons lay hands on you and after prayers you feel worse than you were before. You are made to be deceived with a gut feeling that you are taking herbal medication yet in reality you are lured into taking witchcraft. You are deceived into taking love spells and other kinds of success spells. You feel you want to be special and as such you always love to have big titles and feel self-important or full of oneself. You pray with false prophets who light candles when praying in broad daylight and you also pray with false prophets who ask for money in exchange for prayers or you pray with religious leaders who do not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead or you pray with false prophets who sell to you water or photos in exchange of prayer. Signs and Symptoms of attack: Unexplained Jerky body movements - see instances of people under deliverance, excessively repeated belching, laughter that is out of control Solution: Pray: 1 Corinthians 8:4, Isaiah 2:8, Jeremiah 25:6, Psalms 96:9, John 4:23
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR PRAYER (If you have 2 and more of these)
- Any constant abuse - be it Verbal, physical or sexual
- Prolonged depression
- Unexplained feeling of fear, anxiety, anger, rejection, abandonment, despair, loneliness, rage, burst out,.....
- Constant victim of molestation- can be yourself or your children facing issues to do with rape, someone talking ill of them to be raped in future, unexplained immoral constant feeling of immorality
- Frightened whenever you tend to sleep- you see devils or dark figures or weird faced when you try to sleep or dream such when asleep, you have sleep terrors, you dream dead people or vampires
- Waking up at a similar time all the time yet you never plan it or even set an alarm to wake you then- only you feel strained whenever you wake up
- You always have mental inconsistencies or disorders, you feel you are two persons in one, you feel always stressed and can not explain it
- You hear weird voices, you never do anything as scheduled, you always talk negative and people are always running away from you or talking negatively about you
- Unexplained constant or flashy mental or physical prolonged pain
- An illness that medical science has failed to explain or heal yet to you-you are very sick
- Fibroids and related abdominal conditions that relate to surgery or call for surgery - that the Doctor only says the only way to treat it is surgery
- Unexplained loss of money, unexplained Forgetfulness, unexplained eating malfunctions
- Unexplained overreactions or outbursts, or unexplained regrettable actions
- Unexplained worry, panic, stress, sadness, loneliness, bitterness, confusion
- Unexplained sorrow at various occasions, guilt, self-condemnation, constant feeling of being worthless
- Constant feeling of Jealousy and greed for things that do not belong to you, gossip and backstabbing of people that call you their friend
- Bonds from clans, related to your surname, generational curses, and spells
- Wicked thoughts os suicide, self-harm, unexplained pronounced addiction on you yet you are just getting introduced to a certain activity
- Voices telling you to do wrong things- things you would have hated to do and you end up doing them then you wonder how you even got to do them
- You have a court case and instead of dragging people to court, in your dream you find it is goats that you have dragged to court (This happened to a Kenyan lady and it was Witchcraft).
- You dream all other workmates being promoted and it is only you that is being demoted.
- You have a visa to pick and instead of a visa being stamped in by a human being you dream that a cow is an officer stamping in your passport with its feet.
- Clan related demons and demons that appear to you and claim to own you.
- Unexplained leg pains
- Doubt of yourself
- Jealousy
- Envy
- Unexplained memory loss
- Unexplained pain or stiffness or stiff pain in a particular part of the body or dreaming when you can not move a particular part or have stiffness in a particular part of your body
For prayers call Apostle Jude Noah Wakibi on +256750063451 | +256771906725 or Reach us by email or the contact Form.
Whenever you are under spiritual attack. First read this to find out the mission and start praying with us whenever you can. together we can stand strong in Christ.
ReplyDeleteI have learnt a lot.
ReplyDeletePraise be to God, whats-app it, messenger it, face-book it, pinterest it or email to a friend
DeleteThanks for every thing Apt jude may God bless u
ReplyDeleteAmen, be blessed too
DeleteThanks for every thing Apt jude may God bless u
ReplyDeleteThank you too for worshiping the Living god in truth