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Saturday, April 18, 2020

You Prisoner of Darkness, ‘Come Out! God is giving you your Freedom’

"I am saying to the prisoners of darkness, ‘come out! I am giving you your freedom!" Isaiah 49:9-10

Praise God Church!!

I hope and pray that God has kept you well and walked you through to a better life; a life of peace and freedom that you surely deserve.

Just like myself, I believe you or someone you know has had a share of being a prisoner of darkness. In a situation where you feel in bondage, feel oppressed, feel sidelined, feel enslaved, feel betrayed and disappointed by your own, feel in captivity, and feel stagnated for no reason you know. Child of God this is not the life God wants you to live.

I believe you or someone you know is facing a certain level of darkness in their life right now. It could be something not working out, it could be bad-luck, it could be a curse, and it could be beyond what you see or something that has followed you for generations. Whatever it is the darkness you or a friend or a neighbor is going through; please do not go it by yourself, relate it to God, God wants you to relate with Him in all your scenarios so that by submitting to Him and getting very close to Him, He is here to give you your freedom.

Let us look at three scenarios of being a prisoner of darkness:

Scenario one: I have this friend. He always did chase for jobs, projects, contracts, consultancies and whenever he chased for them in his name, by himself, they never went through. But whenever he sold the same idea to other people accepting to work with them, and under them with himself working in the background, the same projects that were always rejected were the same projects accepted and by the same companies that initially had rejected them when it was himself fronting them. What was the problem? The problem was not the project, the problem was the darkness placed on him through witchcraft or a curse, whichever way the darkness – he was not right with God and the devil never wanted him to progress in anything. I tell you, if you are part of such people; God is here to shine a light on you, come out of the darkness. Let’s look at scenario two.

Scenario two: There is also this son of a certain family; among his siblings, much as he may seem the eldest, none of the things he does seems to impress the parents, his workmates and his siblings. It is so bad that his juniors always try to find any opportunity to boss him around, the people he works with always look for any opportunity to cheat from him, and he himself has reached the extent of hating himself as the hate for him is written in the face of the people he has surrounded himself with. Where is the problem? Amazingly the parents even snoop around on him, backstab him, gossip on him, slander on him and even pretend in his face. This is not godly, this is a case of a series of a wave of attack of the devil, and you are in darkness if you are going through the same. God is here to shine a light on you, come out of this darkness. Let’s look at scenario three.

Scenario three: There is also this lady, she loves the brother and the brother loves her back. Now the trouble is with the brother’s wife and her sisters. The brother’s wife always pretended to love her so much and intentionally got closer to her always yet within the brother’s wife’s mind and conscience was always a fill up of anger about the husband and his sister. Her hate originated from the husband always giving his sister money, praising the sister and truly loving the sister. On comparing the love the brother to this lady gave to her and looked at what her husband’s sister received in what she looked at as a good relationship with good understanding full of peace, She grew envious and in a grumble she started complaining about everything including about her husband’s sister for always getting what she wanted – and yet also always progressed in whatever project she chased for, as opposed to the brother’s wife; This angered the brother’s wife. The brother’s wife decided to take the case to her mother as she argued that her sister in law was taking all the love meant for her and all the good things meant for her from her husband. The mother to this lady’s brother’s wife instead of advising the daughter in a godly way, she instead advised the daughter to take the dark side of the devil. The mother to the wife of this lady’s brother advised her daughter to take the case to witchcraft so that her husband’s wife could be bewitched in an act of retaining and saving her marriage.  Where is the problem here? The mother to the wife of the brother is the evil here. Then the brother’s wife also executing the evil plans is also an act of evil. In the first place, the husband’s sister was not any interference to her sister in law’s marriage in fact she meant well for her brother and his wife yet the sister in law’s mother proposed for her daughter to bewitch her husband’s sister. Immediately after the witchcraft, as a repercussion; things turned around: On the side of the sister to the husband of the lady who went to the witch to bewitch her sister in law; her business started crushing, her and her husband started having misunderstandings, all her projects, marriage life, including the relationship with her brother and her sister in law crushed, and even money was no more. On the side of her brother; he stopped relating with both the sister and the wife the way he used too, he was more confused, things slowed down in his life. On the sister in law and the one who took to witchcraft herself; she lost the friend in the husband’s sister, she lost needed support from all siblings of the brother, she was hated more by the husband, what she envied never went her way – she crushed even what she used to receive, she lives in regrets and the more she regrets the more she does more witchcraft, she pretends to be a friend to the husband’s sister so that her sister in law cannot detect that it is her bewitching her. This is wicked sin and darkness, this is an act of the devil, come out of it if you too are in the same situation. The person who seems to be your friend may be the one bewitching you, do not trust anyone, and believe only in God. God is here to shine a light on you, come out of this darkness.

Now that we have shared in the different scenarios, it is correct to know that darkness is with us in our homes, families, relationships, transactions, neighborhood, within our walls, to some in our husbands and wives, to others in our parents and children, in our friends, and to you and me - darkness finds its way in our tongues. Only the devil brings darkness in our midst, you must come out of it today and now. Choose salvation through Jesus Christ. This is the right time, there is no other time. Make your decision now and get your freedom from God. So how is God giving you your freedom and helping you come out of darkness? This is how:

  1. Believe that God is always ready to respond to your scenario and help you once you give up yourself to His will
  2. Have the will to come out of darkness with the help of God as opposed to coming out by yourself
  3. Know right from wrong and Cherish the word of God in your hearts
  4. Put on the name of the Living God, and Put on God’s Power to be made able by God to resist the evil from infiltrating your freedom through the people you may be knowing so as to come
  5. Have hope and believe that the Living God is alive and hold on to the Good News of peace and Salvation
  6. Always Act in the LORD allowing the LORD to go ahead of you for you to be protected by God from behind

1.  Believe that God is always ready to respond to your scenario and help you once you give up yourself to His will so as to come out of the prison of darkness and allow God to give you your freedom

Many of us seem to say we give our lives to Jesus Christ and in our human understanding we seem to argue that God in many cases seems not to respond to us at the time we need his response. When do you think God must respond to your scenario and help you? Child of God, God says to you through Isaiah that, “At just the right time, I will respond to you. And that on the day of Salvation, I will help you (Isaiah 49:8 NLT).” With this communication, God tells you to wait on Him and by his plans and not your plans He will help you overcome whatever it is that seems to be enslaving you. Until you are right with God, you are not in God’s pathway for his help. It is through Jesus Christ that you and I be right with God. Understand that your right time is now for you to give your life to Jesus Christ so as to earn your help from God. When Jesus Christ died for you and me on the cross, since then, when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, from then until now, from that day of Salvation Jesus Christ overcame the power of sin - which is in itself the power of darkness. Jesus Christ died and rose and is present among us to help you and me in whatever we are stuck in as prisoners of darkness. Now the LORD is here to help you earn the freedom He already fought for you to enjoy on the day of Salvation.

2.  Have the will to come out of darkness with the help of God as opposed to coming out by yourself so as to come out of the prison of darkness and allow God to give you your freedom

While some of us have no will to stop doing evil and come out of the evil; some others are tired of evil and want out. To you who are tired of being imprisoned by evil and want out of evil yet you are still being controlled by any sort of evil, the living God is talking to you and encouraging you to come out now. Through Isaiah the LORD talks to us when He says to him, “through you I am saying to the prisoners of darkness, ‘come out! I am giving you your freedom!’” God not only encourages us to come out of the dark for our freedom, God also continues to promise us through Isaiah of the eternal life and the benefits involved in living by the light in accordance to God’s plan as opposed to our selfish plans. God says through Isaiah that you and me will be His sheep, graze in pastures previously bare, will neither hunger nor thirst and that not even searing (stabbing) sun and desert winds will be allowed to reach you as long as the LORD in His mercy leads you (Isaiah 49:9-10 NLT). The message to us through Isaiah emphasizes that God has already given you and me power to come out of darkness, which can only happen through Him. Therefore whenever you allow yourself to be under the control and lead of God, by such willing action of being a follower of God, you allow yourself to have the will and mercy of God upon yourself where by God empowers you to eventually come out of the captivity of all darkness and to allow yourself to be led by God in his mercy as he helps you to your freedom. It is this attitude of you and I accepting that we cannot rescue ourselves from darkness that the LORD expects us to develop so that we are rescued by God out of darkness to allow us enjoy our freedom – A freedom suppressed from you by the devil.

3.  Know right from wrong and Cherish the word of God in your hearts to allow the LORD take you out of the prison of darkness as He gives you your freedom

Many of you are afraid of what people will say about you, you are eaten up by people’s scorn, you are weakened by people’s slanderous talk, and people’s concern about you. Let you be concerned about what God thinks about you and not what people think about you. To be able to win the battle of a prisoner of the dark, you have to build a mind of God and not a mind of the human concerns on you. Human concerns will always be filled and consumed with evil, envy, hatred, deceit, jealously, corruption, lust, shame, loss, fear, indiscipline, no control, destruction, to name it. God’s concerns on the contrary will always be filled will goodness, victory, love, peace, comfort, boldness and courage, discipline, humility, self-control, protection, to name it. The Bible teaches you and me that by trusting in God and allow ourselves to listen to God’s word, God automatically allows us to know right from wrong. Isaiah 51:7-8 NLT makes it clear that since you know right from wrong and cherish God’s word in your hearts. Do not be afraid of people’s scorn or their slanderous talk. For they will be destroyed and eaten away but God’s righteousness and Salvation will last forever and continue even after you are gone.

4.  Put on the name of the Living God, and Put on God’s Power to be made able by God to resist the evil from infiltrating your freedom through the people you may be knowing so as to come out of the prison of darkness and allow God to give you your freedom

Some of you are made to believe that your father, your mother, your sister, your brother, your child or any one close to you cannot be used by the devil to destroy you. I tell you who has not yet gone through it, that believe only in God and no one else. If you still believe in your relatives and people, I tell you, you are sleeping with the devil and allowing the evil and wicked to enter in your life beyond the point they should have been allowed to go passed and as such by allowing such people in your inner most spiritual life, a life beyond your birth-relation, they pretend with you, they are sneaky and cunning, and by the time you come to realize who they really are and the fact that all the while you allowed them in your life, that all the while they served the devil, you will have allowed them to blindly and thoughtlessly lead you:  to dust and death of everything you touch, to slavery and captivity, to oppression and control.

The Bible encourages you and me to take our healing from any tricks of the devil by putting on the power of God. Isaiah 52:1-6 NLT directs you to wake up and clothe yourself with  strength, dress well and refuse godless people from entering your gates (your mind, heart and soul), come out of the dust, remove all slave bands from your neck, refuse to be a captive and refuse to be oppressed. You have to understand that bad living is not your portion, it is forced exile and makes you a prisoner to darkness. In Isaiah 52:2-3 NLT the Lord says, when He sold you into exile he received no payment, now He redeems you with no payment for you. You need no transaction for you to be freed from evil because there was no such transaction in the first place when you were being imprisoned by the devil and everyone who tricked you into the evil that played a role in putting you in the prison of darkness.  

Some of you are being oppressed by people close to you and yet with no cause, and they enjoy doing it on you yet they would not want the same to be done on themselves, in fact because they have done it so much and see how it affects and has affected you, they fear the same to happen to them.  I urge you to refuse to be oppressed or enslaved by the most powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Isaiah 52:5 NLT, the Lord asks why you His people are being enslaved again? You are not supposed to be enslaved by anyone, not even your mother or father. Whenever you are enslaved, those who enslave you shout at you with a lot of jollity and in such mockery, be aware that God’s name is immediately blasphemed all the time you are enslaved, scorned or shouted at or called all sorts of names you are not meant to be called. I therefore tell you to resist the devil and all his forthcomings by allowing yourself use all the power given to you in the name of God so as to defeat the devil, his strongholds and all the wicked and sinful ways intended to destroy you through people you may and may not be knowing. Use the name of God in which his power is found to destroy every such evil. In Isaiah 52:6 NLT God reveals to you and me that He will reveal His name to His people (whoever has given his life to God through Jesus Christ), and His people will come to know its power. Then at last His people will recognize that it is the living God who speaks to His people. The LORD is speaking to you, come out of the prison of darkness.

5.  Have hope and believe that the Living God is alive and hold on to the Good News of peace and Salvation so as to come out of the prison of darkness and allow God to give you your freedom

When you hold on to the Good News of peace and Salvation, you hold on to the eternal life of freedom and hope. Isaiah 52:7 NLT encourages you and me to hold on to the Good News of peace and Salvation, that when you hold on to peace and Salvation, it means you believe that the Living God reigns! Wherever the Living God reigns child of God, you must have hope where there was no hope. Romans 8:24 NLT says, you are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope. Because of the hope you earn by believing in the Living God; stop sulking and being sad as the LORD is giving you your freedom. Isaiah 52:8-9 NLT emphasizes the same where you are encouraged to shout and sing with joy and that with hope unseen God will set you free and you will see yourself come out of the prison of darkness. So allow your ruins break into joyful songs, allow your soul – mind – and heart be comforted by the LORD. The LORD is here to demonstrate his power before your eyes and all nations (see Isaiah 52:10 NLT). By your freedom, God intends to be honored through you as every other person witnesses God’s Salvation manifested through your rescue. So stop being rebellious, call onto the name of God and by putting it on in that way, God’s power will be manifest against the wicked forces flooding against you.

6.  Always Act in the LORD allowing the LORD to go ahead of you for you to be protected by God from behind so as to come out of the prison of darkness and allow God to give you your freedom

You may have been a prisoner since childhood, wondered how to come out of it. Now you know, you have to hold on to the name of God to come out, now come out in the name of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 52:11 NLT encourages you not to be passive but to be proactive. It encourages you and I to Act now, leave all our evil and weak positions of allowing to be oppressed and enslaved; you must come out of your bonds, slavery and prison of darkness:

Say, you put behind all imprisoning spirits and evil with everything they represent, you reject the devil and all such related strongholds of slavery – captivity – bondage – control – and oppression for they are unclean to you, your household and your grandchildren.  Submit yourself to the Living God (James 4:7 NLT). In the Bible, Isaiah 52:11 NLT also shows that when you submit yourself to the LORD, you allow yourself to be accepted by God as God’s Holy people. You therefore ought to get closer to God so God gets closer to you (James 4:8 NLT).  So purify yourself through repentance and prayer and carry the burden of the cross whose mission Jesus Christ left you to bare. Be able to believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God who came to us through our own human flesh, died and rose from the dead and by rising from the dead Jesus Christ, for our sake and the honor of God’s righteousness and Salvation, Jesus Christ defeated the power of sin and overpowered the world of darkness for us to be free. Therefore we must want to act and come out of the prison of darkness by allowing ourselves to be led by God to our freedom. We have to lose our lives to God to find our lives. When we stick to our evil ways, we stick to our lives and we lose our lives in such ways that we end up in prisons of darkness. So we, you and I must rest the devil in the LORD through Jesus Christ so as to come out of all prisons of darkness for our freedom. When we live in the power of God, we need not panic when we act against the evil ones, even if they were our own relatives, parents or friends. Even when rushed by the evil one to cause you to make a mistake that leads you to give up and fail, take your time in the LORD. Isaiah 52:12 NLT says you will not leave in a hurry, running for your lives. For the LORD will go ahead of you, and the God of Israel will protect you from behind.

You have not to allow oppression, slavery, captivity, bondage, and any sort of mistreatment haunt you and press you down as it is evil and darkness against you. God never created you to be mistreated and no such wickedness is your birth share. When you use God’s name, it is more powerful than the power of evil, so come out of the prison of darkness against you. Even where your own parent or husband denies you to use his name, God is allowing you to use His name. God is giving you your freedom. Accept freedom and refuse to be a prisoner of any sort of darkness and all the related unseen evil ungodly ways.  Give your life fully to Jesus Christ today and achieve your Freedom.


For You who has never given your life to Christ

You do not want to go through this disaster when you are not born again. You are welcome to the life of salvation. Believe me you do not know what the future holds for you in this disaster.

so pray and give YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST say: 
My Lord Christ Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I submit my life to you. I confess my sins and ask you to come into my life and save me. I want to know You. I want to learn to trust You. I know I can not save myself. As of today and now, I ask you into my mind - heart - and soul as I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Please help me in Your name because I believe I am now born again. Amen.

Please If you just gave your life to Christ Jesus with this prayer call me on +256750063451 I would love to pray with you and for you. God bless you.

Donate to this work and support the work of God, every support you give is needed 


  • Isaiah 49:8-10  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
  • Isaiah 52:1-12  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
  • James 4:7-8  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
  • Romans 8:24  Holy Bible, New Living Translation

 Email: christianhealingchurchministry@yahoo.com

Monday, April 13, 2020


Praise God Child of God!

*  God wants you well. Instead the devil uses its broods and you face  OPRESSIVE tendencies:  Cruel, domineering, tyrannical, repressive, unfair, despotic, overbearing, unjust
*  God wants Peace and Life for you. Instead you face TROUBLE: Worry, distress, anxiety, misfortune, suffering, woe
*  God wants Joy, Rejoice and Praise for you. Instead you face INSULT: Abuse, rudeness, offence
*  God wants Glory and Honor for you. Instead you face DISGRACE: Shame, dishonor, discredit, scandal, ignominy, humiliation, degradation

Child of God, are you faced with insults and ridicule and you are wondering where to get help. Your help is not in any strong human being or nation, your help is in God.
Just as Hezekiah in the book of Isaiah ,you too have faced Insult and ridicule.  The devil in someone else – in your boss – in your friend – in your parent – in your brother or sister – in your spouse – in your child – in your neighbor – in your landlord – whether superior or subordinate, related or unrelated has caused you to start writhing, be uncomfortable, want to run away from something, want to give up, and you wonder whether you are still any relevant as they have done everything to ruin your efforts to make you feel irrelevant.
I tell you child of God, it is not that person doing those things to you. The devil in the person is the one controlling that person – regardless of who they are – and now the devil has controlled that person to act on you in these ways; that person:
Never appreciates anything you do, despises you, laughs at you, scoffs at you, shakes their head in amusement whenever you are scared and as you get raged to flee away from their bullish ploys, slanders – gossips – and back stabs you yet they pretend to do you a favor, looks you into a proud condescension, mocks your God, is raged against God, is arrogant against God.

Like, Hezekiah, you too face all these kinds of defiant threats not just against you but also against our Living God. Those troublesome, insulting and disgraceful people in your lives are people who do not believe in our Living God, they are people: who worship idols, practice witchcraft, love to tell lies, love to live in pretense, love to live in denial, live with corruption, pray with a motive, pray with expectations, are wicked and sinful.
When you are the child of God like King Hezekiah in the book of Isaiah being attacked for no peaceful reason, insulted for no genuine reason, and disgraced, in Hezekiah’s View, the Bible says that at such a time you must be aware that:
This is a day of trouble, insult, and disgrace. It is like when a child is ready to be born but the mother has no strength to deliver it.” (Isaiah 37: 3 NLT)

So how do you pray about such oppressive trouble, insult and disgrace?  Child of God, no matter who it is that, has attacked you, they represent the devil and so they are broods of the devil. As such the Bible (Isaiah 37:4 NLT) says perhaps the LORD your God has heard the devil’s representative defying the living God and will punish him for his words, so pray for God to defend you against such broods of the devil. 

Child of God for you and me to seek God’s attention for our defense against the broods of the devil, we have to pray like King Hezekiah as guided by God through prophet Isaiah. This is how you must pray against oppressive trouble, insults and disgrace:

1.   Be Remorseful and disgusted of the devil’s ploys
2.   Refuse to be disturbed by whatever the devil throws at you as you cannot control what he and his broods throw at you
3.   Listen for God’s message of peace, and how to act in with God’s approval in response to the devil’s insults and ridicules
4.   Pray for the Living God’s defense
5.   Use God’s armor to fight back for your peace and honor
6.   Hold to the proof that God will protect you against the wicked
7.   Talk down all the devil’s evil ploys in honor of your living God and with hope and boldness that God is defending you and your belongings already.

 1. Be Remorseful and disgusted of the devil’s ploys

Child of God once attacked by a devil’s brood, show that you are disgusted for the person attacking you not acting in the will of God. Physically wear sadness, writhing and weeping to the living God or even go immediately into fasting as it is how you can express the remorsefulness. Hezekiah (Isaiah 37:19 NLT) showed his disgust when he said, “they were not gods at all – only idols of wood and stone shaped by human hands.”

  2. Refuse to be disturbed by whatever the devil throws at you as you cannot control what he and his broods throw at you

As a child of God, ignore all words and evil statements that are thrown at you from the wicked people who attack you. All they say will be intended for trouble, confusion and destruction. Nothing that comes from them will be intended for good. The LORD God tells you and me through prophet Isaiah to King Hezekiah (Isaiah 37:6 NLT) that, “Do not be disturbed by this blasphemous speech…” See you have no control over what the devil throws at you but you have control on how you respond, so calm down and refuse to fear or be intimidated. This is the time you need to seek the power of God, his love and self -control.

3. Listen for God’s message of peace, and how to act in with God’s approval in response to the devil’s insults and ridicules

As a child of God, you cannot go into the fight without God and you win.  One thing you have to be aware of is that the person attacking you is being controlled by the power of the devil and so you can only face the person, not in your way but rather in the way approved by God. This is the time to listen from God and seek for his help. God in the Bible (Isaiah 37:7 NLT) through prophet Isaiah tells you, “Listen!” We have to Listen to God, once we do, God himself would want to help you by making sure He makes your enemy want to return and go back where he came from to be destroyed with their devil ploys there.  So act in the promises of God and with patience endure through the trials and sorrows as you wait to emerge the winner with God by your side.  

Direct all the threats meant for you to the living God. Show God everything in the same way it was thrown at you just as king Hezekiah did. King Hezekiah on receiving a blasphemous letter from, the Bible (Isaiah 37:14 NLT) says, “, he went up to the LORD’s Temple and spread it out before the LORD.” It is after you have exposed the blasphemy of your enemy to the LORD that you should pray for God’s defense against the enemy’s wickedness.

4. Pray for the living God’s defense

Child of God once attacked with oppressive trouble, insults and disgrace from any person. It is after you have exposed this oppression to the LORD God that you start to pray before God to protect you against the devil’s broods and ploys. When praying honor God, want to be listened to and want to be heard and want to be seen as you pray while reporting the entire devil’s defiance to God. Hezekiah prayed before the LORD (Isaiah 37:15-20 NLT) and said: “O LORD Almighty, God of Israel…..You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and earth. Listen to me, O LORD, and hear! Open your eyes, O LORD, and see! Listen to Sennacherib’s words of defiance against the living God…It is true, LORD, that the kings of Assyria have destroyed all these nations, just as the message says. And they have thrown the gods of these nations into fire and burned them. But of course the Assyrians could destroy them! They were not gods at all – only idols of wood and stone shaped by human hands. Now, O LORD our God, rescue us from his power; then all the kingdoms of the earth will know that you alone, O LORD, are God.” Show that those insulting you rely on idols, witchcraft, and other gods for their protection yet you rely on the living God for your protection. Show that you trust in God and are asking God to rescue you from all evil power and ploys.

5. Use God’s armor to fight back for your peace and honor

Walk in the fighting shadow of God’s light. Walk behind God’s word of battle. Use God’s word to reclaim your position of peace and honor.  One thing you need to understand is that by anyone speaking blasphemy or attacking you in wickedness, they do not attack you even though you may be the body being attacked, at the instance in which they represent the devil, you who is being attacked, once you follow the will of God, at that instance the attacker will be attacking the LORD not you. After Hezekiah praying and exposing the enemy’s blasphemy, God responded through Isaiah (Isaiah 37:21, 24, 29 NLT) and said, “This is my answer to your prayer concerning King Sennacherib of Assyria… This is the message that the LORD has spoken against him; By your messengers you have mocked the Lord… And because of your arrogance against me, which I have heard for myself, I will put my hook in your nose and my bridle in your mouth. I will make you return by the road on which you came. ” So since every attack on you a child of God is an attack on God himself, a mockery or abuse or insult or disgrace or oppression on God’s own, because of your oppressor’s arrogance against you, which you must have heard for yourself, now use God’s armor against your oppressor:
In this time and era, through the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Put God’s hook in the attacker’s nose. Put God’s bridle (noose or trap) in the attacker’s mouth, and boldly speak in the mighty name of Jesus Christ for your attacker to be made by God to return wherever they came from and never to return as they are destroyed by God himself from where they came from.

That way, without you on the front line in pursuit of the devil who is manifest in his oppressive and troublesome broods, through Jesus Christ; through God you will be fighting a winning battle for your peace and honor against your enemy who will also be an enemy of the living God.

  6. Hold to the proof that God will protect you against the wicked

Once you have placed yourself on the battle side of the living God where you are able to boldly refute the oppressive trouble, insults and disgrace the devil intended for you, at such boldness with trust in Jesus Christ you will have held yourself to the proof that the LORD will protect you against any of your ungodly wicked and sinful oppressors.  To Hezekiah, Isaiah (Isaiah 37:30 NLT) said, “Here is the proof that the LORD God will protect this city from Assyria’s king.” Once you have proof of God’s protection, you have insurance of surviving any wrath from the devil and his broods. It is at such assurance of God’s insurance that you can escape any unfair attack.

The Bible (Isaiah 37:31 NLT) shows that with the insurance of us being protected by the living God, you who survive, you who escape the siege will take root again and be established again to flourish and multiply. The LORD’s insurance therefore gives you and me the mandate to escape the ravages of the siege (all restrictions and obstructions), so stand firm on the blessings God has given you and refuse to lose ground, refuse all negative curses and blasphemous words against you from the wicked and speak on yourself God’s words or promises of peace that you will flourish and multiply, that the position in which you are is for the LORD, and that the LORD Almighty makes your victory against all evil attacks happen. The Bible (Isaiah 37:32 NLT) says, “The passion of the LORD Almighty will make this happen!” Once you have felt in your conscience that God is fully in control and is making things happen, talk down all the devil’s ploys that were ever spoken against you.

  7. Talk down all the devil’s evil ploys in honor of your living God and with hope and boldness that God is defending you and your belongings already.

As a child of God, conclude by refusing to accept what your enemy oppressively intends for you. This is where you go directly to God and demand using the name of Jesus Christ and by faith you get what you request. It is at this point that God expects you to speak against your enemy in the way He spoke against the evil king of Assyria, say:

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I refute all the insults, ridicules, oppressions, blasphemies said against me by all those wicked people and broods of the devil. Then go ahead and be specific by saying, my enemies will not enter my territory to do any harm, my enemies will not march outside my gates with their shields, my enemies will not hide on me or near me or tag along me in disguise, my enemies will not alter any words or attack me with any intention of oppressing me or causing me trouble or insulting me or causing me any sort of disgrace. Then command your enemy to return by the same path on which they came to attack you with assurance in the Mighty God that they will and must return and that your enemy will not enter any of your territory by the grace and power of God. That it must happen for God’s honor as long as it is the living God who defends you and your belongings and you belong to the LORD God who protects you. The Bible (Isaiah 37:33-35 NLT) says that this is what the LORD God said about the King of Assyria:
His armies will not enter Jerusalem to shoot their arrows. They will not march outside its gates with their shields and build banks of earth against its walls. The king will return to his own country by the road on which he came. He will not enter this city, says the LORD. For my own honor and for the sake of my servant David, I will defend it.” (Isaiah 37:33-35 NLT)
But now child of God the LORD who created you according to Isaiah 43:1-5 NLT says, “Do not be afraid for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I gave Egypt, Ethiopia, and Seba as a ransom for your freedom. Others died that you might live. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. You are honored and I love you. Do not be afraid for I am with you…”  

In all your walks, whenever you walk through fires of oppressive trouble, insults and disgrace, be assured that you will not be consumed by the flames as long as you pray in faith while fully trusting in our living God.  For the LORD God honors and loves you and He is your Savior.

For You who has never given your life to Christ

You do not want to go through this disaster when you are not born again. You are welcome to the life of salvation. Believe me you do not know what the future holds for you in this disaster.

so pray and give YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST say: 
My Lord Christ Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I submit my life to you. I confess my sins and ask you to come into my life and save me. I want to know You. I want to learn to trust You. I know I can not save myself. As of today and now, I ask you into my mind - heart - and soul as I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Please help me in Your name because I believe I am now born again. Amen.

Please If you just gave your life to Christ Jesus with this prayer call me on +256750063451 I would love to pray with you and for you. God bless you.

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  • Isaiah 37: 1-35  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
  • Isaiah 43:1-5  Holy Bible, New Living Translation  
Email: christianhealingchurchministry@yahoo.com