Sunday, September 26, 2021

FASTING AND PRAYER GUIDE: "Observe the Fruit Out of your Tree" - PART 1

Praise God CHCM Family of Faith! 

As you Fast and Pray be guided by this prayer GUIDE as the Lord and Savior sees you through: 

First Be encouraged to pray as you fast for 14 days. This starts Monday, 20th September 2021 and Ends Sunday, 3rd October 2021 for you who is in the present time. If you just joined half way through or today I encourage you to be guided through with God's grace that you be Healed within and there after. 

On Sunday, 3rd October 2021 which us the First Sunday of the new month we shall have the usual " MONTHLY HEALING SEEDING PRAYER SERVICE".  Let's now reveal the guide from day one to fourteen: 

DAY 1 | Day 8 : OBSERVE THE FRUIT OF YOUR TREE (Your Body, Your Church, Your Pastor, Your friend)

Matthew 7:16, 15 (NLT Bible)

16] "You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit. You don't pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles." 

15] "Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are really wolves that will tear you apart."

Prayer points

# Falseness comes with self-focus and doctrines deliberately created rather than rising naturally. Are there actions you observe  that verifiable seem human created or pre arranged in a way that seems artificial or unrealistically premeditated. If there is force or strain involved child of God be alert as this is not of God. 

#  If it is you or a friend or any church leader acting this way then they are not acting in intentions of God. For once you don't accept them they shall act with force or strain. There shall not be your consented willingness to do, and all you do shall be for self gain and not to glorify God. 

Child of God as you pray destroy this fruit if it's on you as you pray for it is not of God and intended to yoke you into wickedness. Erase under the heavens and hurry in the blood of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 7:18,17 (NLT Bible)

18] "A good tree can't produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can't produce good fruit."

17] "A healthy tree produces good fruit, and an unhealthy tree produces bad fruit."

Prayer points

# To be of God and not of God is determined by the fruit. That that is meant for good and generosity is of God. That that is meant for wickedness and for purely self gain is not of God. 

# If your behaviours or someone's actions lead to nothing healthy or lead to no naturally coming breakthrough  or healing  but rather more strain and suffering then this is an unhealthy fruit. Either you are in the wrong doctrine or you are praying badly or you pray for selfish reasons and you need to break clean and start counting blessings in your life.

Child of God as you pray Destroy the unhealthy yoke of wickedness that sits on you. Destroy quarrels. Destroy fights. Destroy the yoke of evil desires at war within you. Destroy the scheming spirit. Destroy the spirit that causes you to desire to kill. Destroy the spirit that causes you to be jealous for what others have. Destroy the spirit of greed. Destroy the spirit of wrong motive and contrived doctrine. Destroy the spirit that causes you to want only what gives you pleasure. Destroy the adulterous spirit that causes you to make friends with pleasures of the world. Destroy the wicked spirit that weakens your faith in God (see James 4:1-6).


Matthew 7:20,19 (NLT Bible)

20] "Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit that is produced."

19] "So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire."

Prayer points

#Touch in the fire of God and burn whatever is not of God or burn all that disguises itself to be as though it's of God yet it's wicked. Chop down and throw into fire all oracles. Destroy all fruit not intended for you by God in all situations that you need to move or prosper or progress ahead in.

DAY 4 | Day 11  : BE POSITIONED FOR GOOD FRUIT (True defending of the gospel through church building and Healing)

James 4:7; Matthew 7:2,1(NLT Bible)

James 4:7 "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.

Matthew 7:2,1

2] "For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged."

1] "Stop Judging others, and you will not be judged."

Prayer points :

# Have you been judging others unfairly with a kind of self-righteousness that passes you to be assuming the office of our Lord Jesus Christ who is meant to be the one who judges us? If you assumed self righteousness yet you are sinful and unrepentant or doing the same things at some times as the one you are judging then you are a hypocrite and not positioned for good fruit or healing if you wanted HEALING. By such Wicked judgement whatever you ask for in prayer shall not come forth. 

So child of God as you pray forgive. Repent in a way that you wash your hands in a way that you purify your hearts in Christ and break away from the yoke of hypocricy. Show God that you can cry for the wrongs ypu have done. Show sorrow and deep grief. Show sadness instead of laughter. Show gloom instead of joy as you repent. Then bow down in prayer to God admitting your dependence is on the Lord Jesus Christ to cause Jesus to reconsider and lift you  up from your trouble and give you whatever you pray for. So humble yourself. Commit yo be gentle to others. Dont think you are too important. Develop a positive attitude of Jesus Christ and reject the devil in all of your situations from finances to work to relationships to children to name it all and the devil shall flee away. If you don't do this then the way you mistreat others is the way you shall be done to as well. So break those pride and arrogant spirits away from you now.


Matthew 7:4,3,5 (NLT Bible)

4] "How can you think of saying, 'Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye?"

3] "And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?"

5] "Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye."

Prayer points

# Know that a troubled and a troubled can not help each other. In this case do not pray for someone when you have the same troubles in this case forward this person to higher faith ordained or commissioned by God. Why? It's because in attempting to help this person by yourself your trouble is spiritually caused to be more outstandingly bad or say shocking or say horrific which is engregious and the trouble of the person you intend to help by yourself is spiritually caused to be too small or say unimportant to be worth consideration  or say more meaningless to be considered which is insignificant from your own. So as you pray break your own yokes not your friend's. Until you have destroyed yokes on you refer others you need to help to a person purposed by God to handle it and avoid trying to help them yourself - if you dared, What is on them translates to add more burden on whatever you had and you shall be weighed down more that you already were before you tried to help. Give way for God's purposed people for spiritual battles to do the work they were purposed for not you. 


Matthew 7:6, James 4:8 (NLT Bible)

Matthew 7:6 "Don't give what is holy to unholy people [dogs]. Dont give pearls to [pigs] swine! They will trample the pearls [under their feet], then turn and attack you [tear you to pieces]. 

James 4:8 "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.."

Prayer points

#When someone is promiscuous or wicked or unholy avoid praying with them until they have accept to change, avoid sharing with them any valuable of yours hoping that they will value them the way you do because they will not. In event that they have refused to change, Instead of appreciating your gifts they will be eager to crush them or use them for wickedness with intentioned energy to attack you thereafter by tearing you to pieces. To such Wicked  people what you call help extended to them, to the wicked they translate your help to be an attack on them, So be careful when dealing with them by not giving what is of God to them who feel they do not need it or those you force yourself on with the word of God. Instead focus on Sharing the word of God with those who need it so that it is not frustrated and you are not frustrated. The more you share God's word and goodness with those who need it, the closer you are going to get to God and God getting closer to you in all your situations for you shall have done God's work and in return God shall be part of your works. 

So as you pray don't force yourself on those in wicked wrong worship, don't share your God given valuables with them for if you do. Be ready for every attack they throw at you. Do God's will and God will do your will. Dissassociate  from every wrong form of worship and ask God to guide you in Him true lane of prayer, worship and praise.

DAY 7 | Day 14 - Seeding and Prayer Day : NOW PRAY SUCH THAT YOU RECEIVE FROM GOD

Matthew 7:8,7,12 (NLT Bible)

8] "For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.

7] "Keep on asking and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened."

12] "Do for others what you would like them to do for you.."

Prayer points

# As you pray focus and believe that whatever your praying for on asking you are to receive and that you are receiving, on whatever you have seeked you are finding and that you have found, on every door of favor you have knocked at it is opening and it has been opened in your life. 

# The secret for receiving, finding and having your doors of success or increase or prosperity or financial freedom or name it is in treating others in the same way you want them to treat you. This includes total respect and trust and acting upon God's will before your desires. When you put God first in all you do then you shall have mastered the secret of prayer for results. 

Child of God, as you pray ask for what God has intended for you to have. Have good prayer desires that glorify God and not you. Be happy for what others have and thank God for giving to them. Ask God for what is yours. Ask in God's motive - ask generously to glorify God. Have a relationship with God by doing all God desires that cause you to be Closer to God in all you do. So commit your EVERYTHING in all your life to God allowing God to be in charge of your life. 

Be Church Built and Healed.  

Find PART 2 for Day 7 to Day 14

Church Needs your Financial Support on Construction,  on the Church Building mission  and on the Healing mission. 

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