Sunday, June 14, 2020

God has all your impossible answers

Praise God Church!!

Child of God, did you know that your Real Faith is whatever you do?

I tell you, God has all your impossible answers. I encourage you to have real faith and call to God for whatever you need to know that is hidden in your plain sight. It so happens that many times you find you or your friend trapped in this and the other kinds of all impossible promises and you keep wondering what to do about it in search for answers which you never seem to find all by yourself even when the answers are hidden in your sight! See, the LORD our God is here to tell you everything you cannot figure out on your own. 

Child of God, let God add his vow to do your impossible promise. God wants to fight for you against the wicked and all those whose actions among you are no longer of real faith. God wants to fight those people hidden in your plain sight, those that have come to you with intentions different and disguised from what you thought they had come with in the first place. Since you are not able to figure out what the insincere two-faced in your face are, God wants to respond: God first of all is warning you to stick firmly to the unchanging purpose he has for you as opposed to the fancies proposed to you in trickery. The dishonest scam you have fallen for is intended to make you fail in achieving whatever God has planned for you to achieve. As such God is not just going to sit back while seeing you fall for the dishonest scams the devil has set trap for you to be derailed from your intended victory planned for you by your LORD God. As such the LORD intends to fight for you to save you from the evil one and the trickery they come with against you. God will fight for you and in the shock to your face, you will be surprised and filled with backfire that sprouts from the slay from God's anger and wrath (Jeremiah 33:5 NKJV) of those unexpected victims slayed on your behalf that you could never have had answers to, for they pretended with you with disguised sincerity yet their intentions were entirely deceptive, something you failed to figure out and only the call of God could save you from those that you wrongly trusted and surrounded yourself with. 

The LORD your God knows you can not handle the impossible answers without himself and his name. For God is answers and the devil is deception. God knows you have been lied to and not even you can figure it out on your own. For the love God has for you, since God is concerned about you being saved, in Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV, God knows you are searching to find and know and as such God says to you: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." 

Child of God,  an unbeliever will never be a believer, wrong will never be right, darkness will never be light, the devil can never agree with our Lord Jesus Christ, an unbeliever has nothing in common with a believer, pagan idols can never come to terms with our LORD God's Kingdom (2 Corinthians 6:14-16 GNT). Child of God, refuse to be influenced by anyone close to ills of the devil including all pagan idols, witchcraft, world wicked desires and love for anything wrong if you believe you gave your life to God through our Lord Jesus Christ and are now a people of God worthy of knowing the impossible answers needed from God. The Bible (2 Corinthians 6:16 GNT) shows that by being a people of God, you are the temple of the living God and that your LORD God himself has said that, "I will make my home with my people and live among them; I will be their God, and they shall be my people." 

The LORD rejects you and denies you from knowing the impossible answers you should have known since you were created in his own image because you have associated yourself with the unclean and you seem comfortable with it. Because you have rebelled against the will of God is the reason God rejects you and denies you from the right to know the impossible. God has rejected you because you have decided to do with all he refused you to do with. Paul in 2 Corinthians 6:17 GNT reminds you that the Lord Jesus Christ orders you that since you are a believer, to be accepted by the living God, "You must leave them (pagan Idols) and separate yourselves from them (pagan Idols). Have nothing to do with what is unclean (witchcraft, world desires, lies, unbeliever, wrong, darkness, the devil, negative thoughts), and I will accept you." 1 Corinthians 10:12-14 NIV warns that: 
"If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry." (1 Corinthians 10:12-14 NIV)

Child of God turn to the pathway of God. There is nothing impossible with God. Look back into the impossibilities various people you know, including yourself have faced: Some have failed to have children, others have failed on good jobs, others have failed at marriages, others its always the wrong coming towards them, some it is just failure due to attitude. Luke 1:36-38 GNT encourages you to remember Elizabeth who was said that she could not have children, but she conceived and got pregnant, even though she was very old. You need to let God add his vow on your name so that your seemed impossible promises become possible. For the angel of God reminds you in the interaction with Mary that, "there is nothing that God cannot do (Luke 1:37 GNT)." Just like Mary said that, "I am the Lord's servant, may it happen to me as you have said. And the angel left her (Luke 1:38 GNT)." You too with faith and having nothing to do with the unclean can call to God and let God make your seemed impossible be transformed into the possible since there is nothing that God cannot do. 

You have to deal with the pain involved with losing what you thought you had labored for and achieved for the sake of following Jesus Christ. I know you could be sad with the decision that God has put before you to accept while having to deal with the decision of having nothing to do with the unclean you had already been involved with. See, as a Christian, since your childhood you could have known, obeyed and worked by the commandments of God: of not committing adultery, of not committing murder, of not stealing, of not accusing anyone falsely, of not failing to respect your father and mother (Luke 18:2-21 GNT). Yes, all that you did and it was the right thing to do. But here is a test you must now overcome to follow Jesus Christ. You must lose your treasures on earth and store them in heaven to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. You must in other words exchange all your world desires and plans for the plans of your LORD God if the LORD is to grant you permission, if the LORD is to bless you. The LORD does not block you from what you have because He does not want you to have it. The LORD rejects what you have so that you can have it firmly through Him. 

The false hope you think you have attained is what is denying you from entering the Kingdom of God. Just like the rich man who got sad when Jesus told him to first lose his riches (Luke 18:22-23 GNT) in a way of securing them first in heaven, before the man would be allowed to follow our Lord Jesus Christ, You too have got sad many times when told to hold to what you have achieved firmer through Jesus Christ by first losing it. You ask how you have failed the test of God to your path to his Kingdom by your sad gestures of not wanting to let go of world desires? This has been in various ways: 
#God wanted to make your Job better by letting you to first lose it but you refused and instead you lost the job and God's favor. 
#God wanted to bless your relationship with your boyfriend by letting you first dissolve it  but once you showed God that you loved your boyfriend more than God Himself, you lost the relationship in your boyfriend and the favor and blessings meant for you from God.      

For the rich man, just like you in many ways, when Jesus saw that the rich man had become sad for being told to sell all he had and give the money to the poor so as to secure the rich man's riches in heaven first so as for the man to then follow Jesus Christ, the man failed the test by being sad. The man failed the test, just like you too keep failing the test when presented to you at your job, in your relationship and other tests the Lord has put before you. In the Bible (Luke 18:24-25 GNT) Jesus said, "How hard it is for rich people to enter the Kingdom of God! It is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle." In other words, how hard will it be for you who never believes that when you easily accept to lose whatever the Lord has requested you to lose for the sake of it being firmly secured in heaven: Is holding on tightly to your place in the kingdom of God. Is holding on tightly to the blessing you already have not to ever slip away. In other words only you who accepts to lose what you have can have it and be saved of what you seem to be losing. 

So if you ask whose marriage - family - job - relationship - riches can be saved?  Everything that seem humanly impossible can be saved and made possible with God. So who and what can be saved are those and whatever is willingly lost to be secured in heaven for the sake of Jesus Christ. It is why Jesus answers in Luke 18:27 GNT that, "What is humanly impossible is possible for God." So I encourage you to follow God's will even though it is against your own will if you desire to be saved of yourself and anything through our Lord Jesus Christ. God wants you to sacrifice your position to Him to allow him save your position and yourself. Because Peter desired to be saved, Peter left the comfort of his home to follow Jesus. You too must be willing to lose your comfortable position to the God proposed - seemingly discomforting position proposed to you by God if you are to firmly hold onto the desired safety you would have thought to be losing. See Peter left his home to follow Jesus Christ (Luke 18:28 GNT). Jesus Christ blesses and saves anyone who willingly accepts to lose what they love (Hoping to lose it for Jesus Christ sake). That is why in the Bible (Luke 18:29-30 GNT) Jesus assures you who is happily losing whatever the LORD has asked you to lose in order for you to attain victory or enter the Kingdom of God that, "anyone who leaves home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the Kingdom of God will receive much more in this present age and eternal life in the age to come." Whatever amazes you as impossible, Jesus Christ assures you that for God everything is possible (Matthew 19:26 GNT).  

What will you have when you leave everything you have for Jesus Christ. Like Peter many of you ask one question. What will I remain with once I lose what I have achieved for the sake of Jesus Christ? In Matthew 19:27 GNT, Peter spoke up. "Look," he (Peter) said, "we have left everything and followed you (Jesus Christ). What will we have? Jesus assures you who has agreed to leave everything for his sake that for you who has left your houses, brothers, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, father, mother, children, friend, riches for Jesus Christ's sake will receive a hundred times more and will be given eternal life and that you who thinks you are now last will be made first. That is what you will have, even more. The Bible (Matthew 19:27-30 GNT) says: 
"Then Peter spoke up. "Look," he said, "we have left everything and followed you. What will we have?" Jesus said to them, "You can be sure that when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne in the New Age, then you twelve followers of mine will also sit on thrones, to rule the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake, will receive a hundred times more and will be given eternal life. But many who now are first will be last, and many who now are last will be first." (Matthew 19:27-30 GNT)
The action of accepting to do what the LORD desires of you without hesitation is the real faith the LORD expects of you as a believer if you are to be accepted and saved by the LORD. Hebrews 11:5-6 GNT says that: 
"It was faith that kept Enoch from dying. Instead, he was taken up to God, and nobody could find him, because God had taken him up. The scripture says that before Enoch was taken up, he had pleased God. No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him. " (Hebrews 11:5-6 GNT)
Child of God before you are to get the victory you desire you must please God by doing whatever He desires of you to be blessed and saved.  If you sincerely say you have come to God, then you must act with real faith to accept with your actions that God surely exists and that you believe in God and not yourself. Once you show your devotion to God, God surely rewards you, for your obedience will show you are a believer who truly seeks him and as such God will accept you and give you answers to the impossible answers that you had failed to figure out on your own.

The Bible (Romans 6:16 GNT) educates you to know that when you surrender yourself as a slave to obey someone, you become the slave of whatever master you obey - either of sin, which results in death, or of obedience, which results in being put right with God. Under God's grace,  you were set free from sin and became the slave of righteousness (Romans 6:15, 18 GNT). The Bible  (Romans 6:19-23 GNT) argues that just as at one time you surrendered yourself entirely as a slave to impurity and wickedness for wicked purposes. In the same way you must now surrender yourself entirely as a slave of righteousness for holy purposes. When you were the slave of sin, you were free from righteousness. What did you gain from doing the things that you are now ashamed of? The result of those things is death! But now you have been set free from sin and are the slave of God. Your gain is a life fully dedicated to God, and the result is eternal life. For sin pays its wage - death; but God's free gift is eternal life in union with Christ Jesus our Lord.

Only Go Forward if God wills otherwise once you go forward against the will of God it is impossible to bring you back to repent again. Do not lose your real faith to the fall of the once enlightened  believers. Child of God could you have mingled with someone who once was a true believer and now fallen. Be careful not to fall with them or even go blind with them. You see wrong is wrong even if everyone you respect and hold high regard of is doing it, and right is right even if no one else is doing it except you. The Bible (Hebrews 6:3-5 GNT) says:
"Let us go forward! And this is what we will do, if God allows. For how can those who abandon their faith be brought back to repent again? They were once in God's light; they tasted heaven's gift and received their share of the Holy Spirit; they knew from experience that God's word is good, and they had felt the powers of the coming age. And then they abandoned their faith! It is impossible to bring them back to repent again, because they are again crucifying the Son of God and exposing him to public shame." (Hebrews 6:3-5 GNT)

What happens when you continue with what God has condemned you from doing? Once you decide to continue with what God has condemned, you will have denied Jesus Christ, you will have crucified Jesus Christ on the cross once again and put Him to be exposed to public shame. The danger is once the LORD condemns you from doing something and you go ahead to do it, you yourself: 
#You lose your worth of Christianity. You become worthless as you will have lost your value to the devil
#You expose yourself to the danger of being cursed by God. You put yourself to the danger of surely being destroyed by fire.   
The Bible (Hebrews 6:7-8 GNT) says that: 
"God blesses the soil which drinks in the rain that often falls on it and which grows plants that are useful to those for whom it is cultivated. But if it grows thorns and weeds, it is worth nothing; it is in danger of being cursed by God and will be destroyed by fire." (Hebrews 6:7-8 GNT)

What do you have to do to keep what you hope for to be true without losing out of God? Before you think of any lose for the sake of following Jesus Christ, know that you maintain and have a better blessing that belongs to your salvation (Hebrews 6:9 GNT). Also know that the LORD God is fair and he values the love you have shown for Him in the help you have given and are expected to continue to give to other Christians (Hebrews 6:10 GNT). You are therefore encouraged to keep eager in the works of the LORD God up to the end such that even those things you hope for and think to be losing are not actually lost where by by accepting to lose them with faith through Jesus Christ to the LORD God, you actually hold firmer to them by making the hope you had in making them be a reality come true (Hebrews 6:11 GNT). In other words: 
# Refuse to be lazy in the LORD. Believe in the LORD God and be patient so that you receive what God has promised (Hebrews 6:12 GNT). We draw a lesson from the promise God made to Abraham. God used His own name and vowed to do what He had promised to Abraham (Hebrews 6:13 GNT). Hebrews 6:14 GNT shows that God promised to bless Abraham and give him many... Hebrews 6:15 GNT says that:  
"Abraham was patient, and so he received what God had promised."    

# Know that God's purpose for you never changes. There is hope of found safety in God placed before us. To you who were to receive what God has promised, God wants to clarify that He would never change his purpose for you. To ascertain that, God adds His vow to the promise (see Hebrews 6:17 GNT). The Bible (Hebrews 6:18-20 GNT) says:
"There are these two things, then, that cannot change and about which God cannot lie. So we who have found safety with him are greatly encouraged to hold firmly to the hope placed before us. We have this hope as an anchor for our lives. It is safe and sure, and goes through the curtain of the heavenly temple into the inner sanctuary.  On our behalf Jesus has gone in there before us and has become a high priest forever, in the priestly order of Melchizedek." (Hebrews 18-20 GNT)
What is the use of saying you have faith if you cannot prove it with your actions?  That faith cannot save you (James 2:14 GNT). 

In life, you either have what is fake or what is real. It is either fake faith or real faith. For God to add his vow to do your impossible promise, you have to have real faith. The Bible shows several promises God has made to you. You need God's promise to be activated on you like he did with Abraham for you to stay stable, strong and healthy as a believer at all current times. How do you access God's promises? For you to access God's promises on you, you have to have real - legitimate - genuine faith. 

What is Fake faith?  Fake faith is unbelief
# Fake faith has no power to engage God to change your life 
# Fake faith has no power to engage God to save you
# Fake faith has no power to call to God to answer your impossible prayers 
# Fake faith has no power to engage God to transform you (mind, heart and soul)

When you allow your life to be lead into fake faith that does not work with God, everything you do does not work. Jesus warns you of having no faith at all and recommends that you at least have some real faith. In the Bible (Matthew 17:20 NIV) Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.You therefore will need real faith that works. 

What is Real faith? Real faith is belief
Assess yourself before you continue to allow yourself to stray with unbelief
# Real faith is more than just the words you say
# Real faith is more than the emotion or excitement you feel 
# Real faith is more than the idea you debate and use to settle arguments 
# Real faith is more than the truth you believe 
# Real faith is whatever you do

Your actions speak much louder than your words. Your behavior shows your actual belief. Now you being the church, you need to be defined by how you act not by what you say about what you would have done. A real faith that rains on you blessings and not a fake faith that rains on you curses is what you and me need. Keep firm with God's will, God has all your impossible answers.

For You who has never given your life to Christ

You do not want to go through this disaster when you are not born again. You are welcome to the life of salvation. Believe me you do not know what the future holds for you in this disaster.

So pray and give YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST say: 

My Lord Christ Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I submit my life to you. I confess my sins and ask you to come into my life and save me. I want to know You. I want to learn to trust You. I know I cannot save myself. As of today and now, I ask you into my mind - heart - and soul as I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Please help me in Your name because I believe I am now born again. Amen.

Please If you just gave your life to Christ Jesus with this prayer call me on +256750063451 I would love to pray with you and for you. God bless you.

Donate to this work and support the work of God, every support you give is needed

  • 1 Corinthians 10:12-14 Holy Bible, New International Version 
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 Holy Bible, Good News Translation 
  • Hebrews 6:3-20 Holy Bible, Good News Translation 
  • Hebrews 11:5-6 Holy Bible, Good News Translation 
  • James 2:14 Holy Bible, Good News Translation 
  • Jeremiah 33:3 Holy Bible, New King James Version
  • Luke 1:36-38 Holy Bible, Good News Translation 
  • Luke 18:2-30 Holy Bible, Good News Translation
  • Matthew 17:20 Holy Bible, New International Version
  • Matthew 19:26-30 Holy Bible, Good News Translation
  • Romans 6:15-23 Holy Bible, Good News Translation 


1 comment:

  1. Praise God Believer, If you are one who has faced setbacks and you refused to let go when you had to let go so as for better opportunities to set in, this is your post. Pray with me . God bless you.
