Thursday, April 2, 2020

WHAT IS YOUR END? Choose the God Expected End

Praise God Church!!

What thoughts do you walk around with? Are they of God's Peace! Or they are of Satan's Evil. 
Child of God given the dismay you are facing, do you know your Expected end by now?  

Depending on which side you have chosen to follow. You are either on the peaceful side of God or on the evil side of the devil. Given your side of choice, you either know or you do not know your end. Child of God, no matter the situation you are in right now, ensure you be on God's peace thought filling good expected end. I tell you before it is too late, give your life to Jesus. This is the time to give your life to Jesus.

The godly thoughts filled in our lives determine which course of life our ends take. God has promised to your fore fathers to return you to His peace. You may have lost your possession due to diverse disasters, these are happenings you never planned or even predicted, but God tells you to stick with him if your end is to be guaranteed as a peaceful and healthy one. God says: 
"... I know the thoughts that I think toward you, .... , thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." (Jeremiah 29:11 KJV)
In this message, God is speaking to you, me and all of us through Jeremiah. Without us getting closer to God, we are only lost. Only God knows the thoughts He thinks towards us. God's thoughts super-cede all our plans put together, including ideas we have all ever thought all our lives combined. It is time you give your life to God today. Anything you chase that is not of God today is chasing after an empty war, and yet a war you and me can never win. To put it clear, whether your dealings involve donors, trade partners, religious or political factions, I tell you my brothers and sisters, all these are useless if God is not involved and without God, in every way you are involved in a loosing evil war. I see you finding it hard to let go of those evil ways because it is where you have known to attain your well-being. I tell you, now is when you have to think again on how you want to end your life. It is either the God supported way with peaceful thoughts or the Devil destructive way with evil thoughts.

Come to ask yourself some questions: Did God really create you to fight and kill each other? Did God create you to bombard each other? Did God give you the right to transform yourself from a man to a woman? Did God give you any right to marry a fellow man and woman? Do you even have that right from God? 

See! all these come from the evil thoughts filled in us by the devil. It has now reached the extreme where people are now manufacturing all sorts of evil. We have reached the extent of calling other people stupid or less human than our fellow others. All these are a result of the evil thoughts filled in us by the devil. Let us all return to God. Let us start treating each other as the same in the face of God. Once we achieve this, we will have no reason for wars and we will all work to reconcile each other to the peace God intends for all of us to enjoy.

I tell you child of God, unless we all desist from evil and encourage those doing it to hate it, then this world has already been eaten up by evil and the strongholds of evil. 

Let us submit ourselves to God. God is not happy with our ways and all our conduct given the fact that we were all created as a belonging of God placed in this world to enjoy peace and yet instead of all of us upholding that peace we have intentionally worked against each other to destroy the peace we never designed by ourselves in the first place. God is not happy with different countries pointing fingers at each other instead of reconciling with each other. The same is with individuals, tribes, religious factions, if we are to mention them. Child of God, this is not worth people made in the image of God. The simple message God keeps telling you and me is that the time for evil to stop, the time for evil thoughts to stop is now. We must all reconcile with each other just as Jesus reconciled us to God. God wants all of us to live in peace. Start being the advocate for peace. That is the mission God wants you to take on. Return to God and advocate for peace if your expected end is to be guaranteed. What do you think God is encouraging me and you to do?

God encourages you to drop all your evil thoughts and plans including your sinful wicked ways. God wants you to drop all evil now so that you fan yourself into His planned thoughts towards you of PEACE to allow you reach your intended good expected end and not the devil's wicked thoughts towards you of Evil and an unexpected end. God has created me and you for eternal good life and things. Refuse to be on the side of the devil where all you get is decayed life. The end God has prepared for you and me is the end we have to fight for. Me and you must refuse all sorts of rewards from the evil thoughts of the devil.

The devil and its broods are here to steal, kill and destroy. Since you are a child of God I urge you to be strong, courageous,  fear not and be not afraid of anything. Deuteronomy 31:6 KJV tells us to be bold and shows us that our living God has overshadowed you to be calm. Child of God this overshadow that God does on you, is an overshadow you get through Christ Jesus the son of God who always pleads for you and me and all of us on our behalf. It is important to give your life to God through Christ Jesus so that at every occasion you and me are always pleaded for, overshadowed and protected against the devil without our knowledge. I call on you to return to God with all your mind, whole heart and soul.

The same God that created you wants you to acknowledge that your peace is dependent on you accepting and knowing that you belong to Him. Returning to God now is very important because even in this time and situation God wants you to walk in His peace and He, the same God that existed before you existed and yet still exists and will continue to exist is merciful, forgiving and as such He will not disown you once you agree to return to Him -the only true living God, with a clean and remorseful soul, heart and mind, a way in which He expects you to return to him as you confess, submit yourself to him, get closer to Him and by his unending mercy, He will avail to you the peaceful thoughts He thinks for you. Repent and be calm, submitting yourself to Jesus and you will peacefully rest in God. 

God tells you through Isaiah 41:10 KJV that in all you do panic not as He is within your midst to comfort you. Have you been fearing what is coming your way by any sort of disaster. God says fear no more once you have rested in Him. You may not be seeing Him but God is speaking to you at your conscience, God wants you to always do what is right. God is always in your presence and He addresses Himself to you as your true living God, through your good breath and stable healthy life structure. I challenge you to take a walk into your life, a mile back and look at all the good life you wasted, look at all the time you wasted, surely God has always been sympathetic and for His unfailing love, you deserve to ask Him for your life's chance that is pendulum-ed ahead of you. See your life is on a swing that you swing in an uncertain way. Only the living God knows our paradox. God is the Knowledge for your future and unseen plans, so repent now before it is late, put your life back on the track of God and only then can you be sure of the expected end. The expected end is the guaranteed future only made possible when we give our lives to God, when our lives are controlled by Christ Jesus. Let us refuse to be controlled by the power of evil and allow to be controlled by the grace of our Lord Christ Jesus.

Let us stick to the truth of the Good News. The truth is that only God can drive our lives with thoughts of peace that lead us to the good expected end. Lets return to our father now, in His pathway, God is always present to strengthen both me and you, God is always ready to help me and you no matter our past sins or iniquities and God is always eager to uphold you with the right hand of his righteousness. Child of God, let us all return to God and the promised salvation and righteousness is what we can not afford to miss. Your life and my life can only be guaranteed by returning to God, living under God's power, living under God's comfort and presence, and living under God's control and protection.. 
I understand you are so eager to have your peace back. Just as James 4:2-3 NLT talks to us, neither of us can afford to ask for our peace or health from any powerful nation or person other than God himself who is the author of it all. It is only through God from whom we have to ask for peace and health or good life. For God to give you back the peace you so much need, God expects you to personally step out of your hiding and draw closer to Him. Now who must you step away from that might be blocking you from your expected God end?

Child of God, as you reflect on your life today, step away from all the evil friends you can think of that had ever blocked you from worshiping God. Step away from the abusive language and evil talk that had caused the servants of God to run away from you. Step away from your corrupt ways to allow God in your heart and mind. Step away from all the lies, the jealousy, the envy and start treating neighbors like brothers and sisters. Step away from all wicked activities of this world and encourage those still in them to come out of them. Step out and away from all those wicked evil ways all by yourself and boldly look out for your living God while saying: Enough is enough my Lord, I surrender my old sinful life, I confess all my life and I turn to you my Lord for forgiveness, I believe you are the Son of God, like the Psalmist in Psalms 39:7 KJV: I give my life to you, whatever the plans you had awaited for my life to be used for, please use me now, as my hope is no longer stacked anywhere else except only in you my Lord

Trust and believe in our LORD God for anything Child of God. See, you and me must truthfully trust and with no doubt believe in the only living God. It is only by believing that no one can be saved except through Christ Jesus that we are to all be saved from all our dismay and be led to face our true intended destiny. The book of Mark 9:23 KJV shows that our Lord Jesus advises that all things are only possible to anyone who believes. It is only right for you to start believing even where you may see no much change in all that has been troubling you or is troubling you. Allow yourself to reflect on the miracles around you, none you could do or fix yourself: These miracles are the ones, the entire world including you are so much tensed up to loose. Had there been any manufacturing company that could manufacture life like there are factories that manufacture dead body caskets, then no one would still care as there would be no hope. But look, this is a God statement. A statement the entire world in all its languages is all talking about. What does this mean? It only means that life is a hopeful miracle, you and all of us, all this while had all this while taken for granted. By taking the hope of life given to us for granted, you and me have all this while lived a life of sight and no hope.  A life with no hope is a life of an unexpected end, a life of no hope is a life filled with the devil's evil thoughts. The devil can never mean well for you. God wants you to return to him now. 

Let us have hope in our Lord Christ Jesus. Child of God, I tell you, it is not sight but hope in our Lord Christ Jesus that is going to save you, your friend, your neighbor, your nation and all the nations of this world. If you have all this while walked so empty without Christ Jesus, now is the time I call every breathing human being to give your life to Jesus right now. Without Jesus is walking empty, walking in the dark, and walking alone. You had all this while walked this world alone and on waking up in the wake of disasters at your door step, you are scared. Now all you see in your sight is the unexpected end calling you to go to it yet you feel it is not for you. For this feeling, you are scared, panicked, frightened, and yet imprisoned in your own area. All these call you back to pray. You had forgotten God and relied on the gun. You had forgotten God and relied on money. You had forgotten God and relied on corruption. This is no time for all those wicked ways. This is a time for you to pray unceasingly. Child of God, Pray, Pray, Pray, and keep on Praying. Pray unceasingly because the unexpected end you now see in your face is filled with all sorts of wicked timely deaths and decays not meant for you. How much more deaths do you want to first see before you may allow yourself to turn back to God. Return to God now, pray in truth and pray unceasingly.

I tell you Child of God, enough for the devil's deception on you. All the devil has done in your life is to cheat you with lousy imitations not even close to what God has in store for you. The devil has only taken advantage of you all this while. How did the devil even rip you off in the first place? It is because you heeded to all the temptations of the flesh that you easily got reaped off and because you now know what happened then, when compared with what is happening now, you feel very, very scared, you have no hope. Surely, you have to be so scared because even Proverbs 23:18 KJV says there is an end. Indeed the end is on your door step only the end at your door is the unexpected end. Be scared not child of God. The end is not here for you, not even here for you who has just given your life to our Lord Christ Jesus. This end is only here for those who have rebelled against our Lord. Repent and give yourself up to God now through our Lord Christ Jesus and you too can be saved, the hope is in Jesus and the hope is to be picked up by you and me now. There is no tomorrow, give your life to God now, the hope is now.

Fear not child of God. Romans 8:24 KJV says we are saved by hope. But hope that is seen is not hope. Why is seen hope not hope? It is not hope because whatever a man sees, he never hopes for because he has already seen. Romans 8:25 KJV also tells us that because you and me will not have seen we are propelled to patiently wait for the hope we never saw. That is why we always have hope in the promises of the living God because unseen hope is the real hope. What I tell you child of God is that, whatever we have gone through is nothing yet, so let us put our selves together. Let us hold on to the power of God, the comforting love of God and the self discipline that the Lord has availed to us and submit ourselves to the guide and protection of Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV shows that this good expected end you need so much is hidden in faith, hope and most greatly in charity. All these you, me and all of us have not been scoring well against. Even right now as people need you to be charitable you are still failing to score. Make a donation, help a friend, encourage someone, preach to someone, lets worship together, call me so we pray together, send a gift to support this work of God, help someone through the supporting of this work, Have you done it, let us start scoring marks together in the face of God.

It is therefore important to know that your faith in Christ Jesus is the key to all ways, all truths and all lives including your life, my life, and the life of your enemy. Hebrews 11:1 KJV puts it that faith is that needed ingredient of all the peaceful and good expected end of all things you have ever hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.  

Blessed are you who trusts in the only true living God, just like it is in Jeremiah 17:7 KJV, besides total trust in the Lord, blessed are you whose hope is in the Lord and believes that through Christ Jesus who died for you on the cross is the way, the truth and the life through which you and me will be given the godly led peace for the well deserved good expected end.

I choose the God's good expected end. Choose God no matter what situation you are leading now. Stand bold and strong in God, together in prayer, He will strengthen you and me, He is here to help me and you. I glorify the name of God. God bless you.  

For You who has never given your life to Christ

You do not want to go through this disaster when you are not born again. You are welcome to the life of salvation. Believe me you do not know what the future holds for you in this disaster.
so pray and give YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST say: 
My Lord Christ Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I submit my life to you. I confess my sins and ask you to come into my life and save me. I want to know You. I want to learn to trust You. I know I can not save myself. As of today and now, I ask you into my mind - heart - and soul as I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior. Please help me in Your name because I believe I am now born again. Amen.

Please If you just gave your life to Christ Jesus with this prayer call me on +256750063451 I would love to pray with you and for you. God bless you.

Join Us in this Video as we Pastors and Church leaders prayed for you. Lets all pray together and for each other: 
  Donate to this work and support the coronavirus struggle, every support you give is needed 


This is the Uganda COVID-19 Situation:

Together, let us GO CHARITY to support those that can not support themselves. We are all in this together, so GIVE any money and support you can give away to support someone trapped as a result of coronavirus. Be that Christian God expects you to be show your love through your giving. Let us GO CHARITY NOW.

  • 1 Corinthians 13:13  Holy Bible, King James Version
  • Deuteronomy 31:6  Holy Bible, King James Version  
  • Hebrews 11:1  Holy Bible, King James Version
  • Isaiah 41:10  Holy Bible, King James Version 
  • James 4:2-3  Holy Bible, New Living Version
  • Jeremiah 17:7  Holy Bible, King James Version
  • Jeremiah 29:11  Holy Bible, King James Version
  • Mark 9:23  Holy Bible, King James Version 
  • Proverbs 23:18  Holy Bible, King James Version  
  • Romans 8:24-25  Holy Bible, King James Version 


1 comment:

  1. Your expected end is your future, Jesus is the one through whom your future can be justified. No matter what ways we suffer at the hands of the coronavirus, stand with me in prayer. I believe we have to emerge winners through Christ Jesus. Be safe and God bless you as always. Ap. Jude Noah Wakibi
