Saturday, January 18, 2020

Spiritual Transformation: Victory is in your purpose by God's Promise

Praise God Church!!

Today, day in - day out you are affected with panic attacks, depression kept to yourself, and the anxiety you suffer alone. Whenever you think about your inner pains that you have kept to yourself, all you do is tear. Child of God, Keeping pain to yourself is only affecting your spiritual life, break away from stuffing that pain and build a personal relationship with our Lord Christ Jesus- He is the solution to your life and peace. Your Victory is not in keeping pain, failure, regression, troubles, struggles and all sorts of suffering to yourself. Stop stuffing yourself and seek God's promise of victory for you. Why you continually go to the doctor for treatment is because you still live in the way of the flesh and not the way of the Spirit of our Lord Christ Jesus. Your stubborn attitude of self belief is leading you to self destruction, for you to have victory over all struggles, wickedness and witchcraft, you have to want to stop being controlled by the desires of your flesh and allow yourself to be controlled by the power of the Holy spirit. The time you acknowledge that you are powerless and not able to manage your own life, child of God focus on our Lord Christ Jesus- He will release to you the Holy Spirit whose witness in your life will cause for the LORD God to release to you his promise of victory for you. You refocusing your deeds on God will impress him to allow you experience freedom, peace, life and all the feelings of victory. Choose to live by the Spirit of God today and by the grace of God and his choosing, you will experience a new freedom and hope that you've never thought were ever possible in your life. What I mean is that while your peer others are in turmoil, you will be at peace; while they are in tears, you will be at joy; while they are troubled and full of struggles, you will be full of increasing grace upon your life. 

Child of God your promise of victory in life is in Christ Jesus, and it is only through Christ Jesus that darkness disappears, failure disappears, the power of sin is defeated, generational curses are defeated and with the blood of Christ Jesus all evil and wicked covenants upon your life are undressed and broken never to haunt you again. The Bible (1 Corinthians 15:42-58 NLT) reveals that Amazing things will always increasingly happen as you allow your life to be Holy Spirit transformed from a natural body of weakness to a spiritual body with eternal victory in Christ Jesus ("the life-giving Spirit") who spiritually transforms you in the way you think and the way the Lord makes you full with a new mind; in the way you feel as the Lord makes you full with a new responsive heart; and in the way you do things, as the Lord makes you full with a new spirit. People, even your enemies should see something new in you. It should be life and peace and they must yearn to have it too. It is then and when you least expect it, that they will approach you, and on trying to understand your victory which they hardly understand how it comes to be possible, they turn their lives are transformed as they surrender and confess their lives to be cared for by God through accepting Christ Jesus as Lord and savior.    

Give glory to God the Almighty for giving you what you have today, the life, your breathe and all you feed on. The Bible (2 Corinthians 1:3-7 NLT) says, "All praise goes to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. He comforts us in all troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be  able to give them the same comfort God has given us. You can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ. So when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your benefit and salvation! For when God comforts us, it is so that we, in turn, can be an encouragement to you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. We are confident that as you share in suffering, you will also share God's comfort." Most of the times you go through your troubles, you reach a point where all your own endeavors to victory have failed. At that point it is important for you to understand that it is God who chooses and gives you the ability to win over all your enemies through Christ Jesus. When you humble yourself and surrender yourself to the control of Christ Jesus, only then shall you tell the Lord Jesus to touch here and there and all your worries will be taken away from you. Watch how Ntaate relates this in her video herein.

Why you were not victorious in all your praying endeavors was because all you minded was to fulfill your sinful desires instead of the desires of our LORD God. You are a child of God, give your life back to God and he will grant you victory in all your battles and troubles. When you see things not changing even when you pray, change your way of praying, praising, and worshiping God. Pray in the plan of God as opposed to praying in your own plan. Ask yourself questions: My prayers are not being answered, why? Have I been honest and sincere in all my dealings? If not why? Check the way you have been dealing with others, see if it is the way of Christ Jesus. Ask more questions: Have I depended on the grace of God? If not why? Most of you instead of depending on the grace of God to transform your fleshly ability and be made able to be victorious over all wicked attacks, all you do is falsely depend on your own fleshly wisdom and way of understanding things. You even go ahead to create personal philosophies that contradict against the intended promise of God for you. In the Bible (2 Corinthians 1:17 NLT) Paul writes that, "You may be asking why I changed my plan. Hadn't I made up my mind yet? Or am I like people of the world who say yes when they really mean no?." Your plans, your visions, your projections, your wills keep changing because you walk not in the plans of God, you are guided even in your prayers by selfish sinful desires of this world. In other-words, you want God to make you whole and free from trouble and strain yet you allow the power of sin to control you, by this way of living no matter what you do your way, you can never be victorious once what you do is out of scope of God's promised purpose for your existence.  

Child of God let your yes mean yes, the only way this is possible is by you being spiritually transformed in the purpose and promise of God by accepting Christ Jesus as your Lord and savior and accepting to live in the character of our Lord Christ Jesus and in the control of the Lord's spirit. Refuse to be that kind of person who says you are born again and yet you enjoy to do what the sinful flesh enjoys to do. Let your yes be controlled by God's divine yes. Your divine victory happens when God has affirmed that you are working within his purpose for you. In the Bible (2 Corinthians 1:18-22 NLT) Paul encourages you not to waver in your decisions by putting your trust in Christ Jesus so that all you do is blessed by God's divine control and affirmed 'Yes'. Paul says that, "As surely as God is true, I am not that sort of person. My yes means yes because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, never wavers between yes and no. He is the divine Yes-God's affirmation. For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in him. That is why we say "Amen" when we give glory to God through Christ. It is God who gives us, along with you, the ability to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment of everything he will give us." When you allow yourself to be commissioned by our Lord Christ Jesus, you endure all troubles and sufferings, you develop the character of Christ Jesus and the salvation the LORD gives you is the divine victory which is God's affirmation of you and just like all the prophets that were victorious, therefore, it is by the promise of God that you too must be victorious in all you do through the pathway of Christ Jesus. 

How can you relate to this for your better understanding of how you fulfill God's requirements so as to be granted victory. Let you reflect back on Abraham. In your understanding in case you perhaps hoped to be a descendant of Abraham because he is your forefather, let it be made clear, the Bible (Romans 9:7 NLT) argues that the fact that you are a descendant of Abraham does not make you truly Abraham's child. Why? You ask. This is because you have to be a child of the promise to be Abraham's chosen child and counted descendant fit to share in the victories and as such treasures through Christ Jesus secured for God's children. In any such case, much as Abraham had many children, the Bible (Romans 9:7-14 NLT) makes it clear that God chose Isaac to be the only son and child of Abraham through whom you be chosen and counted as a true descendant and child of God. When Abraham's son Isaac grew up, he married Rebekah  and before she could give birth to twins, before their children could do anything good or bad, a message to her came from God, a message that reveals how God chooses according to his purpose whether you are to be victorious in life or not. Therefore you being a child of God is never by your good or bad deeds, just as Rebekah in the scriptures was told that, "The descendants of " her "older son" would "serve the descendants of" her "younger son." God says in verse thirteen of these scriptures that, "I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau." What does this mean? This means that being of the same womb does not guarantee you are chosen. Pursue to be a child of God through Christ Jesus if at God's choosing you are a descendant of the rejected and not the loved, or if you are a descendant of the slave and not the master. This is true because God according to verse fifteen of these scriptures said to Moses, that he will show mercy and compassion to whoever he chooses. 

Now what can you do for you who is a descendant of the rejected and the slave- you that is always in a position of subordination and struggling?  

God gives to everyone as he chooses, by his promise. So for you to be victorious, you have to give God what you owe God: Renew the blood covenant of Christ Jesus with the LORD and accept God's word, worship and eternally praise God in truth and receive God's wonderful promises (Romans 9:4 NLT). You being victorious means you being a child of God, and this calls for the Holy Spirit to be upon you as witness that God is pleased to accept you as his child among other accepted children. This to happen you must never be cut off from Christ Jesus as being cut off from him would leave you cursed, leave you in darkness, in death and a life full of decay and unending struggles. Therefore for you to fulfill God's requirement for victory by accepting Christ Jesus as your Lord and savior as well as having discipleship characters, paying all your debts (which also include your tithes and generously given thanksgiving), and loving your neighbors as yourself (including forgiving all those you have a grudge on) for the Bible (Romans 13:10 NLT) says that, "Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements." So start living right, refuse to live in the dark (renounce all evil deeds upon you- say I renounce all my evil deeds and I shed them all off like dirty clothes, I clothe myself with the armor of right living, as the former prophets and the other children of God who live in the light, from today, I choose to be decent and true in all my deeds and by the power and transformation of the Holy Spirit I be victorious and be approved of my behavior by everyone, I reject wild parties, I refuse to get drunk, I renounce adultery, I renounce all immoral living, I rebuke fighting, and I rebuke all forms of jealousy, I rebuke nose thumbing, I rebuke witchcraft, I rebuke the spirit of abandonment,-rejection,-fear,-anger,-regression,-limitation,-stagnation,-Lucifer,-Jezebel,-abomination,-crawling and flying spirits,-spirits of back fire,- and I rebuke all trailing as well as monitoring clan spirits), and for you to be spiritually transformed for your victory in God's promise, start living in the light right now (say now I let the Lord Christ Jesus take control of me and by living in the spirit of the Lord, I refuse to think of ways that indulge my evil desires from now forward, in the mighty name of our Lord Christ Jesus, Amen), I guarantee you to wake up now as time is running out- know it now that accepting Christ Jesus as your Lord and savior tomorrow or any other day other than now is late. Accept Jesus Now, be saved, be reborn, be controlled by the Holy Spirit and divine victory which is by the affirmation of God will be on your side. 

It is therefore important for you to know that just as Abraham had two children, one from a slave-wife and another from a free-wife (Galatians 4:22-23 NLT), you too are either trapped in either a bond of being enslaved to want to please your human desires for the customs and laws you were born in as a slave or you accept to move beyond your flesh desires and serve seek God's purpose for you. Child of God, stop following your human attempt of trying to personally undo your repeated failures and curses as you try to bring about the fulfillment of God's promise in your endeavors to win over the powers of darkness as this is the wrong way and it will keep you in more darkness and decay. Instead, seek freedom first through accepting Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior, be born again of the Holy Spirit  (Galatians 4:29 NLT) by the word of God, be transformed to be a child of freedom in Christ Jesus acceptable to God by your faith in which you obediently wait on God's own fulfillment of of his promise over you to victory in favor of you in his intended purpose for you as this is the right way to live and it will allow you to live in spirit with life, peace and eternal victory in the mighty name of our Lord Christ Jesus. So never despise the Lord's work, it is never useless, it is more eternally rewarding, so encourage yourself in the Lord's spirit to be strong and always enthusiastic whenever you are serving our Lord Christ Jesus. You are encouraged to always give generous thanks to God, who gives you victory over sin and death through Christ Jesus our Lord.

For Healing prayers call Apostle Jude Noah Wakibi on +256750063451 or +256771906725. At CHRISTIAN HEALING CHURCH MINISTRY we want to help you. Come as you are and you surely will leave us healthier and happier than you come.


1 Corinthians 15:42-58  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
42_ It is the same way for the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies, which die and decay, will be different when they are resurrected, for they will never die. 43_ Our bodies now disappoint us, but when they are raised, they will be full of glory. They are weak now, but when they are raised they will be full of power. 44_ They are natural human bodies now, but when they are raised, they will be spiritual bodies. For just as there are natural bodies, so also there are spiritual bodies. 45_ The Scriptures tell us, "The first man, Adam, became a living person." But the last Adam-that is, Christ-is a life-giving spirit. 46_ What came first was the natural body, then the spiritual body comes later. 47_ Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, while Christ, the second man, came from heaven. 48_ Every human being has an earthly body just like Adam's, but our heavenly bodies will be just like Christ's. 49_ Just as we are now like Adam, the man of the earth, so we will someday be like Christ, the man from heaven. 50_ What I am saying, dear brothers and sisters, is that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. These perishable bodies of ours are not able to live forever. 51_ But let me tell you a wonderful secret god has revealed to us. Not all of us will die, but we will all be transformed. 52_ It will happen in a moment, in a blinking of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. for when the trumpet sounds, the Christians who have died will be raised with transformed bodies. And then we who are living will be transformed so that we will never die. 53_ For our perishable earthly bodies must be transformed into heavenly bodies that will never die. 54_ When this happens-when our perishable earthly bodies have transformed into heavenly bodies that will never die-then at last the Scriptures will come true: "Death is swallowed up in Victory. 55_ O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? 56_ For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57_ How we thank God, who gives us victory over sin and death through Jesus Christ our Lord! 58_ So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

2 Corinthians 1:3-7   Holy Bible, New Living Translation
3_All praise goes to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. 4_He comforts us in all troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be  able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 5_You can be sure that the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ. 6_So when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your benefit and salvation! For when God comforts us, it is so that we, in turn, can be an encouragement to you. Then you can patiently endure the same things we suffer. 7_We are confident that as you share in suffering, you will also share God's comfort. 

2 Corinthians 1:17-22  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
17_You may be asking why I changed my plan. Hadn't I made up my mind yet? Or am I like people of the world who say yes when they really mean no?. 18_As surely as God is true, I am not that sort of person. My yes means yes 19_because Jesus Christ, the Son of God, never wavers between yes and no. He is the divine Yes-God's affirmation. 20_For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in him. That is why we say "Amen" when we give glory to God through Christ. 21_It is God who gives us, along with you, the ability to stand firm for Christ. He has commissioned us, 22_and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment of everything he will give us.

Galatians 4:22-23, 29  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
22_ The Scriptures say that Abraham had two sons, one from his slave wife and one from his freeborn wife. 23_ The son of the slave-wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God's promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God's own fulfillment of his promise. 29_ And we who are born of the Holy Spirit are persecuted by those who want us to keep the law, just as Isaac, the child of the promise, was persecuted by Ishmael, the son of the slave-wife.

Romans 9:4  Holy Bible, New Living Translation
4_ They are the people of Israel, chosen to be God's special children. God revealed his glory to them. He made covenants with them and gave his law to them. They have the privilege of worshiping him and receiving his wonderful promises.

Romans 9:7-15  HOLY Bible, New Living Translation
7_ Just the fact that they are descendants of Abraham doesn't make them truly Abraham's children. For the Scriptures say, "Isaac is the son through whom your descendants will be counted," though Abraham had other children, too. 8_ This means that Abraham's physical descendants are not necessarily children of God. It is the children of the promise who are considered to be Abraham's children. 9_ For God had promised , "Next year I will return, and Sarah will have a son." 10_ This son was our ancestor Isaac. When he grew up, he married Rebekah, who gave birth to twins. 11_ But before they were born, before they had done anything good or bad, she received a message from God (This message proves that God chooses according to his own plan, 12_ not according to our good or bad works.) She was told, "The descendants of your older son will serve the descendants of your younger son." 13_ In the words of the Scriptures, "I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau." 14_ What can we say? Was God being unfair? Of course not! 15_ For God said to Moses, "I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose."

Romans 13:10  Holy Bible, New Living Translation

10_ Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements.

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