Thursday, May 16, 2019


KULIMA BIJJA (Digging at the graves),  KUMANYAGANA (Meet and Greet),   KWABYA LUMBE (Choosing the Heir and Inheritance)

KULIMA BIJJA   (Where it is ensured the Clan members are invited to gather and dig within the graveyard) 
  • It starts a day before the function. Clan members get a relative with blood ties or find someone close to the late (already dead and longtime buried person). The chosen person (with blood tie to the dead) is used as a point of contact to AWAKEN the spirits of the dead that was buried sometime back in the graveyard. HOW YOU A CHRISTIAN CAN BE AFFECTED WHEN YOU GO TO Kulima Bijja (To dig the graves)? At proceeds of this event, when you are part of the guests invited to participate in the particular activities, by the time you arrive the dead spirits would have been awakened and on-top of the graves. Since the people that invite you are aware that the dead spirits are on-top of the graves, it is then when you gather and start the activities that they start to ask the dead spirits to bless you. Since the reality is disclosed to a closed few people, the majority who have been made to get involved blindly start to be witnesses to things dying as a result of digging in the graves and the so-called death blessings called for upon whoever was part of the activities.
  • Among what die include the chicken, animals and also people. It is to this end that what tends to die immediately on calling for the blessings from the dead spirits are chicken and animals. And, what usually is quite critical to observe is that the deaths that happen are sacrifices. When one is keen to observe and pose a postmortem, it is quite alarming in the observation that most of the dead “sacrifices” will at most cases have no blood (the dead spirits would have seeped out the blood to cause the deaths). These deaths and just the calling of the dead spirits to bless the clan members present infects clan members including whoever attends with the SPIRIT OF DEATH. When the human beings are killed by the wicked dead persons’ spirits, blood is sucked out of them too.
  • At the same function (Kulima Bijja) some people also go ahead and eat at the grave. They not only eat at the grave but they also in their view, get in the act of sharing food with the dead by providing the dead with food- in reality, they do not see these dead spirits amongst themselves yet they are actually present.
  • WARNING TO CHRISTIANS:  I warn you and advise you to avoid such gatherings, else you risk being possessed and oppressed by the wicked spirits of death. I give LORD God the glory for this message.

  • Let I put clearer; these relate to devil worshippers’ meetings. You may say, they are wolves in sheep skin. Sheepskin for you innocent Christian to think all is well yet underneath the skin is a lot of works done to please the evil one. Child of God, be alert, the main reason for Clan gatherings is for Clan members or those that attend the meat and Greet gatherings to get together so as to RENEW COVENANTS with the idol gods, demons or wicked evil spirits that also gather amongst themselves. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU JOIN CLAN GATHERINGS AND YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN? When you the Christian naively join them, the fact that their gods require a vessel to use since the LORD Yahweh does not dine with evil, you are on your own at such gatherings, because of that you immediately become vulnerable weak and as such the god or demons or wicked evil spirits in the gathering quickly identify you to be the sacrifice since the LORD God that makes you stronger than they are has left you on your own.
  • How the gatherings are organized? Usually, the gatherings are organized or tended closer or towards what is known as the TOTEM POLE (S). This is done in such a way that where you are not aware of the practice norms, you may not easily see or put in the other way, where you are not spiritually alert and, or strong. Therefore what happens is that the gathering is meant to be feed from the pole and drain. Given as an example, the Totem pole may be preferred to be a tree. Where it is the tree, the seating arrangement is properly ensured to draw to the tree, so that everyone that attends the clan gathering is feed from the tree and whoever has attended or attends the clan gathering is both fed and drained by the wicked demon that is positioned in the Totem pole (the tree in this case). Sometimes the Totem Pole can be disguised as a gift wrapped in a gift box, for others, the Totem pole relates to ash placed in a vessel,  only what is maintained is the seating arrangement meant to draw from the Totem Pole regardless of its kind, shape or size.
  • WARNING TO CHRISTIANS: I warn you and advise you to avoid such gatherings, else you risk being fed and drained off your blessings with wicked spirits or demons of poverty, and even the spirit of Death as above. Child of God, where the gathering is not for Christians, please do not go, do not attend any such gatherings where the organizers are not Christians. When you go in such, say for the case of ash in a vessel as the Totem Pole, among other kinds there are, and you are Christian amongst all devil worshippers, the hand of the LORD God will not be with you  and as such be aware that you will be chosen or be among the ones availed to be chosen from to be sacrificed by the others to the evil one as a handmaiden in which they most suiting to invoke wicked spirits, which spirits they letter project through to all others present maintaining you as the pivot point of projection to others from the Totem Pole. At this level, even the Food eaten at this gathering is invoked with spirits. It does not matter whether you hired outside caterers to cook and bring it. For as long as the food is brought at the scene of the gathering, one the demons are invoked and other people that are not Christians are the ones serving or have direct access to the source of service or have had access in terms of feeding from it, including mixing with the utensils and plates used, for as long as key people involved in the preparations of the function serve the evil one be it directly or indirectly, be sure that everything that has access or attends the function will be invoked with wicked spirits. Where you say that the organizers are Christians still you need to be sure on whether they truly are Christians. otherwise its better you do not attend the function at all. 
        Break down of the 3 options for attending Clan gatherings: 

OPTION ONEOrganized by Non-Christians; Do not go when you are a Christian and the organizers are non-Christians. When you go you will be preferred among the non-Christians as the chosen handmaiden in which to invoke wicked spirits and demons. This will be easy to do the fact that the LORD God will have moved away from you since he does not sit in gatherings of the evil ones. And since you will have taken yourself there at will He, the LORD God will have withdrawn from you so you will have no protection or shield to protect you from the demons or wicked spirits the clan members send you at that time. 

OPTION TWO: Organized by Christians;   This you can attend, only you have to be very sure that they are surely Christians. 

OPTION THREE: Better not go (Christians or Non-Christians); Child of God, this the easiest and safest option. While you try to verify whether the gathering of organized by Christians or non-Christians, it is easy for the truth to be altered. Therefore it is best not to attend at all. 

  • Who is picked for Heir? Normally at such a function, the person chosen to be an heir is usually the weakest, and or sometimes a person that has been dominated in his life. Considerations are usually made by clan members if not by the will written before the death of the deceased to put the affected person in an imaginary place of power. Normally, the First (1st) born is either rarely or not picked at all because such children are usually very strong minded. 
  • What is involved in the function? At the actual function of choosing the heir, everything brought represents a wicked evil spirit with a covenant made between clan members present and the evil spirits without any of your consent, giving the wicked spirits full authority and that those wicked spirits as normally stated by the members knowing or unknowingly, all wicked spirits involved are empowered and allowed to have and give command over you the chosen heir. This is more profitable to those that worship the devil and it is very dangerous for the Christian
  • Why this is dangerous for the Christian?  Once you have accepted to be heir, whether you know it or do not know it, it implicitly means that you have accepted or consented to do whatever the clan gods including all what the deceased worshipped require of you with your whole self  to take the DOMINATION wicked SPIRIT from the clan of the deceased and the gods thereof.  It becomes a requirement after of that people bring you things and in a way you are looked up to and you are indirectly ordained as their god. Their god in such a way that they implicitly expect you to solve their problems- they exalt your name instead of the name of the LORD God, - the role binds you to the DEAD wicked SPIRIT, - your life deteriorates fast as you tend to age very quickly. Child of God, whenever you attend and or accept being heir to the wicked dead, you allow your body to become obsessed for Lucifer himself.  NOTE THIS SERIOUSLY: The LORD has told me to tell you all, that people that are supposed to be teaching their flock about this are not and as such the responsible have a punishment awaiting them.  
    So now you are wondering how you inherit. 
Look at the 3 different scenarios: 

  • Inheritance from a non-believer or a non-Christian. 
    • With this kind of inheritance, on receipt, you're obliged to immediately give or surrender a portion to the LORD God for sanctification. 

  • Inheritance from a believer or a Christian. 
    • Do not accept anything to do with Kusikira or inheritance 
    • Become a care-taker or in-charge and not an heir. 
    • Everything they give to you, you are obliged to give a portion to the LORD God and also share with those that are in need  

  • You Withdraw from the inheritance and let them choose another person.
    •  You can decide to say no. This would be the best option. 

Child of God Renounce your CLAN, renounce the wicked clan spirits, renounce generational clan spirits, say they do not belong to your body, say your body is part of the body of Christ Jesus, say you are not a descendant of the clan and you cancel all the covenants they made you make with them by blood ties, say you are renewed in the covenant of the blood of Christ Jesus, and that from now forward you are a descendant of Abraham, Jacob and Isaac and that you worship only one God Yahweh and you trust the LORD your God for your protection in the might name of Christ Jesus. 

This message did not come from man, I have delivered the message. I glorify the LORD God for the message. May the LORD bless whoever has been saved by this message. 

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1 comment:

  1. Fellow Church Leaders and Christians. This is a very powerful message. Many believers or christians do not know that getting involved in certain practices like the one published is dangerous and very harmful to their Christianity.
    Please go to the Share button and share with a friend in a way that pleases you. Go to the contact form to let us know what topics you would hope to be published and see the will of God to their publication. I glorify the name of the LORD God. Those that received deliverance this week, keep thanking the LORD God and praying for his protection and guidance in all of your situations.
