Thursday, December 23, 2021

Stand in the Rains of Trouble


Praise God Church Family of Faith

You may be wondering why you continue to see trouble and different people troubled  even when you are in the presence of God and praying.

Let us try to grasp something here about how to persevere in the face of trouble as you face any challenges in your lives:

If the rain of trouble is a problem, you'll need an umbrella. Umbrella's intention, Child of God, is not to stop the rain, but to force us to stand in the rain of trouble, no matter how much or how heavy it is.

In a Christian context, if there was no trouble, you would not need faith to stand in it. There would be no need for Jesus Christ if there was no trouble. That is why in the Bible (find Luke 22:36-38, Matthew 10:34-36), Jesus Christ presents to you a sword for you to with stand the rain of troubles. Child of God to survive amidst this troubled world, you shall always need the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) as spiritual armour to put on always as part of your full armour of God to always enable you stand your ground against evil (Ephesians 6:13). All Christians need this sword. The sword of the Holy Spirit is the word of God. That is the word in the Bible. Since we Christians are in spiritual battle, we need to fight with the Sword the Lord Jesus Christ tells us to buy. So walk in the Spirit of God to know how to handle the word (which is the sword) properly. in Hebrews 12:4 God refers to His word as a sword. This sword is living, active, and sharper than the double edged sword which the Romans used with the idea of piercing and penetrating. in this case, the word of God piereced deeper to and through the heart, laying open bare the motives, desires and feelings of those it touches.

Now, it is because of these trials that Jesus Christ is important in your life to be that umbrella that allows you to walk freely in the midst of any kind of trouble, sickness, or trial, or let's call it the rain (see Galatians 5:1). With Jesus Christ, you can stand firm and resist the yoke of being enslaved by the rains in your life; instead, Jesus Christ becomes your Umbrella, providing you with the confidence you need to survive in this troubled world.

Why do you need Confidence as a Christian?

Confidence, Child of God, may not bring success, but it gives us the strength to face any challenge in life. Confidence is Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.To survive in this world, you must walk in the Spirit of God.

Based on Galatians 5:5-6, When you walk in the Spirit with confidence, you do not live your life based on your problems, but on the strength and power of the Holy Spirit as you are powered by the Lord to always walk in the hope of righteousness in completion of your salvation given that you shall be in Christ Jesus (see Galatians 2:20-21). This simply means that if you are truly living your life in Christ Jesus, whether you are in trouble or not, whether it is raining or not, whether you have money or not, none of these things will matter to you. What matters most in your life is faith activated and expressed as you work your life driven by the Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I believe you can now stand in the rains of trouble and face any challenges in your life for you have been Church Built and healed.